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P.S. We can't guarantee that the woods listed on our
Replicas will be the same woods you will get,
but the quality will be the same or better.
E-mail or call us with all inquiries.
We don't have all of our wood supplies
photos & descriptions listed here.


BLOODWOOD From: South America, Brazil & Western Australia. Also called "Cardinal wood.
DESCRIPTION: Deep red with tiny black grains running throughout the wood.

BOCOTE From: Mexico to Argentina.
DESCRIPTION: Dark brown to red with multicolored stripes that vary from dark brown to black. 

BUBINGA From: Equatorial Africa from Southeast Nigeria, through Cameroon, and Gabon to the Congo region.
DESCRIPTION: Medium to red-brown with lighter veining. Interlocked and irregular grain. Texture is moderately coarse but even.

CANARYWOOD From: Panama to Southern Brazil.
DESCRIPTION: Yellow grained wood with very fine brown and sometimes light purple grains running throughout.

COCOBOLO From: Southwestern Mexico to Panama.
DESCRIPTION: The colors vary from brown or rich red to an attractive variegated appearance of yellow, orange and red streak zones.

EBONY From Africa.
Jet black color with only the slightest possibility of dark brown streaks. It takes a beautiful shine. Extremely expensive.

GONCOLO-ALVES From: Mexico and Central America through to Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Ecuador.
DESCRIPTION: When fresh, the wood is russet brown, orange brown, or reddish brown to red with narrow to wide irregular stripes of medium to very dark brown. After exposure it becomes brown, red, or dark reddish brown with nearly black stripes.

GRANADILLO From: Southern Mexico to Brazilian Amazon region, and Trinidad.
DESCRIPTION: A dark brown, usually distinctly striped, grain straight. The red is much like Honduras Rosewood -- a reddish-brown, grain frequently irregular, prone to show figure. 

MAHOGANY From: Southern Mexico to the Amazon.

MESQUITE From: North America, Central/South Americas and Africa/Asia.

PADAUK From: Central & Tropical West Africa.
DESCRIPTION: This wood is medium to hard wood, It is a deep orange red that will age to a deeper orange brown.

PURPLEHEART From: Mexico to Southern Brazil.
DESCRIPTION: Deep purple. Texture is moderate to fine. Medium to hard wood with tight, fairly straight grain with moderately coarse texture. Bright purple when cut, darkens to a brownish purple with exposure.

WENGE From: Central and Eastern Africa.
DESCRIPTION: Dark brown to black with fine black veining. A heavy, coarse-textured wood with bending and shock-resistant properties. Hard and heavy. Also called Pallissandre.

YELLOWHEART From Central America.
Description: Fine straight grained hardwood with bright yellow color throughout the wood.

ZEBRAWOOD From: West Africa, mainly in Gabon & Cameroon.
DESCRIPTION: This wood is light golden-yellow to a grayish color with narrow veining or streaks of dark brown to almost black, giving the appearance of zebra-stripes. 


SPALTED WOOD: What is it?
Spalting is a by-product of the rotting process that is carried out by a vast array of stain, mold and decay fungi, that are found naturally on the forest floor. When the temperature and humidity are right, spalting can cause many different and beautiful patterns in rotting wood. The unusual colouration may be due to chemically induced reactions between the wood, fungi and insect deposits, often resulting in black, pink, grey and multicoloured streaked wood.
It is decorative and can be greatly valued over the uninfected wood. Lighter coloured woods like birch and maple offer the best canvas for dramatic spalting. Once the wood has been cut and kiln dried, the fungi can no longer grow, and the spalting process will stop.

SPALTED OAK. From: United States & Canada.

SPALTED MAPLE. From: United States & Canada.


ASH- From: Southeastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico in the eastern United States. West of the Cascades in the Pacific Northwest for Oregon Ash.

BLACK WALNUT- From: Eastern United States, from southern Minnesota east to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York; south to South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama; west to Texas; and north through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

BUTTERNUT- From: Eastern United States from Tennessee and western North Carolina north to southern Ontario and Quebec.

CHERRY- From: Eastern half of the United States, from the plains to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. It also occurs in high elevations in Mexico.

HARD MAPLE- From: United States & Canada.

HONEY LOCUST- From: Pennsylvania west to South Dakota, Nebraska, south to Texas, east to Alabama and Georgia, northeast along the Appalachians to Pennsylvania.

KENTUCKY COFFEETREE- From: Central New York and southern Ontario west to southern Michigan, Minnesota and South Dakota south to central Kansas, southern Oklahoma east to Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

RED OAK- From: United States & Eastern Canada.

WHITE OAK- From: Eastern United States & Canada.

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Last time edited: April 11, 2007

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