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Illumination party and Date Auction

pix from our first party and date auction...proceeds went to St. Joe's Orphange

pic of the auctionees. big thanks to all that particpated!! =)

Monkichi's turn to be auctioned off

DePaul sisters wondering what they got themselves into. hehe

oOo la la...look at Tenshi. hot mama!!

Banshee(DePaul), Tenshi, Flash, and Tootsie(DP) in front.

Alpha class represent!!
Flash, Tenshi, Monkichi, Evian, and Crystal

UC and DePaul sisters!!
Tenshi, Tootsie, Blush, Banshee, Evian, Squirtle, and Mulan

Mulan, Buffy(Purdue), and Shiseido

some Deltas and KPB bros from NIU

some Deltas and PDPsi bros from OSU

one last shot of some of the sisters: Evian, Fuji, Shiseido, Mew, Tenshi, and Chilly Willy