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Hanging out @ the Student Welcome Event:
Vicky, Linda, Nancy, Laura, Cecilia, & thuggish Jo on the bottom

Girls night in...hanging out @ Quyen's

Can you guess which fraternity house we are at?!?!

Clubbing pictures in Columbus @ Club Mekka...

Jeeyeon, Nancy, Vicky, Christine, & Quyen

Thao, Cecilia, Vicky, & Hannah

Nancy, Joann, & Vicky

Christine, Vicky, Ellen, & Jeeyeon

Our Delta Sisters from Purdue partying with us:
Sue, Vicky, & Trang

Dinner @ Buca...we got the pleasure of dining at the "Pope's" Table...

Joann, Linda, June, & Kathryn

Christine, Hannah, Nancy, Vicky, Mai

(standing) Hyunjin & Quyen, (sitting) Ellen & Thao

Say Cheese!

Bathroom Shot