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SCR300 Restoration

How to Restore an SCR300/BC1000 Radio

Phase 1: What do I need?

Metal Paint Primer (1 can)

Sandpaper designed to remove paint from metal (4 Sheets)

Emery Cloth (use it to take off rust) (4 sheets)

Paint: You can either try to get off a large enough chip (about a the size of a quarter) and have a paint store match it. OR you can buy 2 cans OD spray paint and spray paint the radio.

Black enamal paint:

A can of White Lightening or another type of grease. Use this to grease up the hinges, that have probably rusted since the war.

Different size Paintbrushes or a cloth. Put paint on the cloth to get the hard to reach places, or use it to touch up.

Can of Air: Used to air out the dust and stuff that has collected.

Masking Tape (1 roll)

Latex gloves (so you don't get paint all over yourself) and a mask, so you don't breathe in toxic fumes.

Total Cost: About 25 Dollars, we got our items from a local Home Depot, and went the spray paint method.

Phase 2: Where Do I start?

1. Sand all the paint off the body (or as much as you can) and remove all the rust (the rust on the body and as much rust as you can. Remember the more time and effort you put into the radio the better it will be. A problem we ran into was that we didn't get all the paint off the radio, our radio has a somewhat "pitted" look to it. But it is ok, as it was our first attempt.

2. After removing all the rust and paint. Add white lightening/grease onto and into all the hinges. Work them a little bit, so the grease gets into them. This way they won't rust shut, or rust off.

3. Take the masking tape and apply to anything that isn't supposed to be painted OD. What isn't supposed to be OD you say? The hinges and the black metal "D" rings and the "D" attachments of the protective case where the "guts" of the radio go into. Also, the black "nodes, buttons" or whatever on the right and left side of the very top of the radio (by very top I mean where the name plate is)

4. If you are really good you can paint the top part of the radio (avoiding the white lettering and such) where the mic/phone jacks and such are.

5. After painting, (3-4 coats are perfect)add the black enamal paint onto the parts that are supposed to be black. (see #3 above to see whats supposed to be black) You might need to add a few coats here and there to get it how you want

6. Paint all parts the antennas OD.

7. Boom your done. Our Radio took us about 12 hrs of straight sandpapering and several days of spray painting to get the look we wanted. Total time was probably about 30hrs.

NOTE If your radio has French wording on it, congrats its from France!

Restoration Pictures

. A before and after series.