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johan's homepage
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ilk evim(first of myhome)
Here we get water from a well behind the the winter we put snow in the melts when summer night we use gas lamp to enlighten us.u can never imagine how wonderful the sky and stars appear up above in the sky and we go to get our basic needs by a donkey .it is about 10km away.I'll add more pics soon to show how a magnificient life we lead right in the midle of a lonely can meet hapiness and beauty in simplicity right around the picture
   Burada içme suyunu kuyudan alýyoruz.geceleri gaz lambasý kullanýyoruz en yakýn yerleþim yerinede eþekle gidip geliyoruz mutluluk ve güzeligin sadelik ve dogal yasamla bulustugu yerde.

let's meet where hapiness,beauty,lonelines come together