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Impact Team Training

Impact Team Training

    In a world in conflict, terror and war, ministries and missionaries must become "street-wise".  If not aware of possible cunning devices of destruction, one can become physically wounded or even killed.  This training is intense and not for the "gutless".  The motto," The few, the proud, the Marines" is apropos for this training.  It is led by a former Viet Nam Marine Veteran who has ministered internationally for nearly twenty-five years.  The training is in three phases.


    This training to "impact" a community or country for Jesus Christ!  It will cause you to learn to develop strategic, systematic, Holy Spirit led assault on the forces of Hell in the Heavenlies.  By so doing, it will open doors of opportunity and Divine "seasons" of evangelism and missions.  This will change a life, church and nation as they experience an encounter with the living, risen Christ Jesus in Power and great Glory!


School of Prayer

Come into the Holy of Holies......Experience the intimacy and presence of God!



Biker Ministry



Come and touch the rebellious, overlooked and frightening world of Biker Ministry.  Burning Bush Global "Bats" is just such a ministry to the hurting, rejected, sometimes obnoxious biker world.

Learn an entirely "new" approach to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.




Rear Guard Ministry

    A "point man" always leads the way through a combat area or into combat.  The rest of the "assault team" follows to fulfill their "mission".  The extreme importance of the "point man" is to keep the assault team from falling into an "ambush;" so is the "rear guard."  A combat unit can be vulnerable from the "front," their "flanks" and their "rear."  An attack from the "rear" causes a combat unit to be assaulted from the "blind side," catching them off guard or unprepared.  The rear guard often walks looking backward.  They look back to see if any danger "is trying to hit" them with intent to destroy them from that direction. 

    "Rear Guard" ministry is just that, helping the former combat veteran deal with emotions, feelings and experiences.  They have gone through much, but are still going through trauma which causes them extreme anger, and inability to find peace, as well as an inability to find a place where they feel comfortable and are able to fit in.  This inability causes them to stay on the move. 

    This ministry helps people understand the veterans' mindset, struggles, emotions and vulnerabilities, assists them to put the "war" behind them and begin to live one again.  Experiences must be worked through with the Blood of Jesus and the Word of God (Bible).