fishing adventures cont.

Day 2 - We headed out back to the rediversion canal again at day break to try again for blue cats..NOT gators this time. The gators were not around..but still the cat action proved to be very tough. Jake had one good run this day and lost it close to the bank after the cat broke his line. All i can say is these fish are FAST, Jake had a hard time slowing this cat down to get it under control...was for sure a nice 20lb + blue..but we will never know for sure.

Jake 9/11/02

Waiting in the heat, fighting bugs for a blue cat bite, with rt. 45 in the back ground.This canal rediverts water from the Santee River back to lake Moultrie.NO BOATS ALLOWED, WHICH IS GREAT FOR BANK ANGLERS LIKE US.

My set-up

This was a picture of my set-up with rt. 52 in the back ground. The normal water level on this canal is to the high banks on both sides..even with the water being so low the canal depth was still easily 20ft.+ . We fished for 45mins. at a time, then we would jump down the bank a few hundred yrds trying to find active cats..which we never did!After lunch we changed canals and headed to new water to try our luck.

Diversion canal 9/11/02

The diversion canal connects lake Marion to lake Moultrie. The area surounding this canal looks like something you'd see along the Amazon..almost jungle like. Only bad thing is, boats run up and down this canal a lot a traffic was bad.