Catfish Bait Cont.


OTHER NAMES: BREAM SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lepomis macrochirus RANGE AND HABITAT: Common throughout Ohio, but they prefer clear ponds and lakes with rooted vegetation. FOOD: Insects, insect larvae, small fish, fish eggs, and plant materials ADULT SIZE: Normally 6-10 inches, depending on habitat and population IDENTIFICATION: A deep slab-sided fish with a small mouth and a long pectoral fin. Colors vary, however the ear flap is always black and bluegills often have a black blotch near the end of the soft dorsal fin. FISHING TIPS: Live or natural bait such as red worms, insects, or wax worms on a small (#8 or 10) hook are productive. Fly fishing is also popular.


Characteristics - olive to purplish back fading to a silvery-white on belly; lateral stripe from tip of snout to base of tail fin; stout body with broad, blunt head; small, flap-like barbel in groove in middle of upper jaw; very large mouth; wedge-shaped spot at base of tail and black spot in first 3 rays of dorsal fin; up to 12 inches in length. Distribution - statewide in small to medium sized streams Foods - insects and their larvae and other small aquatic animals Expert's Tip - try fly fishing small streams with small wet (sinking) flies