Flathead Pics

All fish are takin by rod & reel ONLY, we do not in any way agree that setlines, trotlines, limblines, juglines or snagging is fishing, in our eyes it should be against the law !! We practice catch & release ONLY to preserve the great catfishing we have been blessed with for our younger generations to enjoy as we have! Thank you and enjoy the site. Scott & Jake

My Personal best from the Ohio r. ..so far

The last picture you will see in these flathead pages tells more about this fish...weight was 32.11 lbs.

The 3 pics. above are of me with two level 2's and a level 3...local spot.

The last 3 pics. are of me with a nice upper level 2 flathead, my buddy Dave with a 19.4 lb. flathead caught at 4:30pm in Aug. of 2000(his best day-time flathead) the last pic. is of me with one of my biggest flatheads that i have a picture of. Jake with a level 1 flathead