More Flathead Pics

30lb flathead

This flathead was takin while fishing with Jack Elbin 2001, one of many level 3's i got in 2001

This is Jakes level 2,

A very poor picture, but he didnt have many pics. of flatheads, so i thought id put it up A resent catch, this flathead was takin on 9/13/02 and was 25 lbs.The picture above it is of a nice late fall 2001 level 2 flathead an avg. size cat from my favorite spot.

Personal best from the Ohio R., so far

This picture is of a late season trip to the ohio r. Oct. 2001, i took this 32.11 lb. flathead along with another flathead(20lbs) and 10 channel cats up to 10lbs. all caught on the same UK baitrunner reel & long light action UK rod using shad for the channel cats & skipjack herring for the two flatheads. All cats were caught from bank casting about 100 yrds out in the river near a rock pile(that i know of), they were takin on 12lb mono and 1.5 oz. of weight.Goes to show ya always have the right balanced gear that can handle anything you throw at it!Funny thing was a self titled "cat pro" was sitting right next to me(his rod is in the background) using the same baits(my baits)and 5oz. sinkers, but could'nt reach out as far as i could...he caught only one fish that evening(a Drum) while i caught all of my cats! Thanks for taking my picture there "cat pro" I say you make a better camera man than