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Moon And Back Graphics

The following poetry was writen by Dave.
I would like to thank him so much
for given me the permission to use them on my site.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Read more of GravyDave's poetry

I Will Be There

Promises I do not make everyday,
But to you, you have my word,
I will be there.
When your back is up against the wall,
And you need somewhere to turn,
I will be there.
When the world seems on your back,
And you want a little weight lifted,
I will be there.
When your days become darkened,
And you need someone to light the way,
I will be there.
When the pressures start getting to you,
And you want a tender touch,
I will be there.
When you appear to be outnumbered,
And all you need is a friend,
I will be there.
When you have succeeded in something special,
And you want someone to share it with,
I will be there.
Whenever you need or want someone,
And all you can do is hope,
I will be there.

GravyDave © April 1998

The Gift

A gift I have been told,
Is what has been given to me.
Some say my words touch so many,
Simple words anyone can understand.
Words to make you think,
They make you smile,
Some make you sad and cry.
Words from my heart,
Written to go straight to your soul.
So if a gift I do have,
Let me use it to show the way.
The way of friendship,
To help understanding,
And touch people in their hearts.
To teach and to learn,
That everybody is unique,
And everybody needs someone.

GravyDave © August 1998

The Falcon

This might bird of prey soars high above.
Drifting through currents of air,
Swiftly moving without any effort.
A most enjoyable sight to see,
As they glide from place to place.
These birds just flow with the wind,
With no obstacles in their way.
Their strong feet picks up their next meal,
As they swoop down from the sky above.
They nest in many manners,
From trees to rocks to manmade nesting boxes.
A bird so free to roam the skies above,
We must never make it extinct.

GravyDave © June 1998

Stairway To Nowhere

Exploring your future or delving in the past?
Are you climbing to the unknown,
Or safely descending to where you were?
Moving forward, or retreating backwards?
Do you know where you are going,
Where you have been,
Or where you are now?

Does each step take you into the light,
Or does darkness overwhelm you?
Do you take one step up,
Only to fall two steps back?
The further up you go,
Does it still look the same?

Each step you take, up or down,
Or each step side to side,
Or even steps around and around,
Will it lead you to understanding,
Or confuse your images
of how your life has been?

Take each step as if it was your last,
Explore the past and present,
and move into your future.
Are these the stairs to nowhere,
Or are they the stairway to your destiny?
You decide, you make the final judgment,
Take hold of your life and move forward.
Leaving the past behind by learning,
This is your future.
The stairway to nowhere,
No, the stairway to life!

GravyDave © March 2000

I Thought Of You

I did today what I always tell you,
When you are in need of someone,
Think of a friend.
I felt alone, I needed comfort, I needed a friend

so, I thought of you.
No smile on my face, no joy in my heart,
No one to turn to
so, I thought of you.
I needed someone to talk to,
someone to listen,
As I talked to myself I remembered
so, I thought of you.
A friend is what I wanted,
a friend who cared,
No one was around
so, I thought of you.
I remembered the things I promised a friend,
And remembered the promises a friend gave me
so, I thought of you.
Now the mood has changed for the better,
A smile I have and not feeling alone because,
I thought of you.

GravyDave © April 1998

Shades of Blue

Color, brightly filling the memories of thought.
Hue of blue, not sadness, but joy.
Smiles coming your way out of the blue.
Sky, clear, twinkling stars,
with the back drop of deep blue.
Remembering the day’s fantasies you put back.
Blue rings around the full moon,
The moisture fills the night air.
Nature’s color, the color of beauty.
Blue, all shades of blue,
Positive energy, positive aura,
Positive affect on your soul.
Blue, the color of love, life, and happiness.
Wear it in your smiles,
Carry it with you during your journey through life.

GravyDave © June 2000

The Time We Have

The days go past us so fast,
They seem to be shorter, each one that passes.
We mature, our bodies mature much faster;
Where once was tight taut flesh,
Begins to show the signs of aging,
From the creases to the sags.

Stress begins to take its toll,
As our life's problems keep coming.
We disappoint ourselves when we forget simple things,
But so vividly we can relive our childhood.
We begin to number our days,
Trying to fill each one with things we wished we had done.

There never seems to be enough hours in the days,
As there was when we were so young and carefree.
We watch as the angels take away our dear friends,
Our life long companions, or those we just met.
They all seem to leave us too soon.
We think back to how nature was,
Is it too late to save it for the next generations?

We need to take the time to witness life around us.
Watch how the aged creatures mellow with time.
See how they tend to their crippling bodies,
Yet they continue on with their aches and pains.
Finding solitude, just to sit in the open air,
Basking in the sun's rays,
Enjoying what time they have left;
Being free, living free, feeding freely.

We also can become content to be,
Accepting our destiny to mature,
Allowing peace within ourselves,
Having solitude within nature.
Life becomes too precious to be frightened away,
Cautious, but not to panic when something comes our way.

The creatures of nature have peace with their surroundings,
This we can learn from them,
Learn to feel what peace is,
Be peaceful with what is there.
Watch, see, feel what nature we have left.
See if we can preserve what has always been.
As the creatures of nature,
We are part of that,
Surviving even with all the obstacles.
Live and let live,
Be free and let all be free.

GravyDave © February 2000

Your Ship Of Dreams

Sailing in the night in the wide open spaces,
Destination undetermined for a travel to the unknown.
Wind against its sails, forging it onward,
To your dream place you know not where.
A journey beyond the horizon,
Where the water's depth is unmeasured,
Guided by the stars or guided by hope,
Across a vast ocean where dreams are made.
A hope of a new beginning,
Where your past remains your past,
And a future built on a dream,
To travel over the mighty seas.
This ship of dreams carries you far,
To the lands where you have never ventured before,
Of people and places you long to see,
Experiences to be etched in new memories.
Learning from each new adventure.
Your ship of dreams may only sail once,
You must know the time and place,
To set sail for the fantasy voyage.

GravyDave © December 1998

Light A Candle

I'll light a candle to see my way,
Out of the darkness of fear.
The light will brighten the road I chose;
All obstacles I will see.
It will bring harmony between me and the unseen.
The light will bring hope where all was lost.
I'll light a candle to understand the unknown.
It will shed light on those we trust,
And brighten our awareness of the dishonest.
It will warm me of chills running through me,
And glow with a natural splendor.
This lighted candle gives me courage,
To overcome the struggles that come upon me.
Lets me see more clearly the path I have taken.
It lights behind me for those who follow.
This simple flame, true in colors,
Rising with heat, flickering in the wind.
It's not perfect, yet it continues to burn.
I will light this candle for you,
Will you light one for me?

GravyDave © January 2000

The Power Of Words

Words have such an impact on everyone's lives.
How you say what you mean;
The words you use to convey your thoughts;
How you describe your position;
The tone of your voice;
All can have an everlasting affect on someone.
Words of joy to give excitement;
Words of sorrow, when sadness is abound;
Words of caring for those you care for;
These words can leave others feeling better.
Strong words;
Harsh words;
Demanding words;
Of these, they can be words of pain,
Causing hurt and sometimes impossible to retract.
Words of love;
Words of endearment;
Words of compassion;
They warm someone's heart.
Words of confidence;
Words of encouragement;
Words of accomplishments;
Words that are complimentary;
These words lift someone to the point of succession.
Words for provocation;
Words of questioning;
Words for clarification;
Can be used to intensify thought.
Words of desires;
Words of wants;
Words of needs;
To show others your dreams.
Most words used in a variety of context,
Changes some of their meanings.
It's not what you say, but how you say it.
It's not always who you say them to,
But who may overhear.
Words spoken from gossip,
These loose credibility of those of fact.
Words are a combination of letters to convey a thought.
Use thought before you speak.

GravyDave © January 2000

Circle Of Energy

Our circle of energy grows and grows,
Of all the energy we gain from life around.
Each breath we take, we draw more in,
As we exhale, we send it out again.
We touch one another,
No matter the distance,
By sharing what we draw in
And what we send out.
As the circle enlarges,
Our friendships expand,
We all get stronger,
We get closer to nature.
The energy you gain
As you all join minds,
Increases the positive energy
That is available to all.
Each one involved,
Need not know everyone,
Because you are all connected
Through the field of energy.
Simple concentration
Is all that is required,
Just thoughts of sending out
What you have drawn in.
Everything that happens,
Happens for a reason,
Positive energy influences
Everything around us,
All you have to do is look,
And you will find,
The positive energy effects
That are taking place.

GravyDave © September 1999


It never hurts to reaffirm a friendship.
To remind a friend that you will always be there.
A simple call or unexpected visit,
Just to make sure all is ok.
Either your mental energy to send a hug,
Or the physical embrace to show you care.
The giving of a gift of words,
Even the silence of sincerity makes understanding,
Your friendship exists and will forever endure.
It never hurts to give assurance,
That no matter whatever happens,
You have become and stayed,
Friends for a lifetime.

GravyDave © April 1999

Storm Tide

Churning over and over,
Changing the endless sands.
Waves crashing, its sounds roar through the air,
Sounds of thunder in the distant.
Sky darken with thick black clouds,
Winds constantly blowing.
No silence to be heard,
Only nature's fury,
Constant reminder of its forces.
White caps out past the waves,
As far as the eye can see.
A misty fog up and down the coast,
Birds flying, yet almost motionless,
As the winds stops their journey.
Snow white sea foam,
Cascading along the shoreline,
Each wave seems to come up much higher.
Water sprays the air,
With each new massive wave,
Off in the distant you know,
A mighty storm is there.

GravyDave © August 1998

Honesty In Love And Friendship

There is so much to say to those close to you,
Things that will never be said out loud.
Words you hold close to your heart,
Impressions of friendships you hold so dear.
Times come and go when you need someone,
You look to your friends to find a helping hand.
Love and friendship means true to one another,
Truths you give to never be wrong.
Hopes that each will honor honesty,
Knowing that honesty comes without saying.
Give each friend your utmost in life,
Teach each other that you will always be.
Never turn your back on the call for help,
Listen with an open heart and an open mind.
Be honest with yourself first and foremost,
That honesty will show you that you will always be.

GravyDave © May 1998

Two Words

I'm sorry, for any pain I have given,
for any misunderstandings I have known,
for any confusion I have caused,
for any disappointments I have made,
for any sadness you have felt,
for any loneliness you have shown.

I'm sorry, for there will always be,
mistrust, dishonesty, hatred and pain.
I'm sorry for all I cannot do,
to make each day of your life happy and true.

I'm sorry, that others feel pain,
that others see harm,
that others are sad,
that others can't live,
that others get sick,
that others live without joy.

I'm sorry that I have no control,
of everything that goes wrong.
I'm sorry that whatever I do,
there will always be someone I cannot touch.

GravyDave © March 1998

In The Name Of Friendship

In the name of friendship,
I will tell you no lies,
I will not use or abuse you,
nor will I steal your possessions.

In the name of friendship,
I will never take you for granted,
I will never share your secrets,
nor will I ever take advantage of you.

In the name of friendship,
I will not borrow and not return,
I will not take back anything I have given you,
nor will I deny you anything I have to give.

In the name of friendship,
I will never condemn you for what you believe,
I will never treat you unjust,
nor will condone your wrongs.

In the name of friendship,
I could never ignore your plea for help,
I could never laugh at you when you are down,
nor will ever turn away when you are trying to help.

In the name of friendship,

I will always be just a call away,
I will always lend a listening ear,
and I will always expect the same from you.

GravyDave © April 1998

If You Feel A Friend Has Let You Down

You begin to wonder if you opened up too much,
Have you given more than you receive.
Asking yourself, are they really a friend,
Or just a passing acquaintance.
Could they not know what is expected of them,
And do they take friendships lightly.
Will it close you up to others,
Or maybe just become less open.
Can you forgive them for what they do not know,
That friendships last a life time.
Could it be they have been burned before,
And become distant to the closeness.
Have they really let you down,
Or let themselves down instead,
Or is it that they may not know,
How easy you may hurt.
No matter what a friend may do,
Or the things they may say,
Or even the forgotten words,
Once they become a friend,
A friend they will always stay.
To be a friend you take the good with the bad,
And you handle their ups and downs,
And try to understand ,
No two people will always agree.
Its the friendships that eases the pain,
Of misconceptions and misunderstandings.

GravyDave © June 1998

What Makes A Friend

The person you turn to that will always be there.
The one who listens when you need to talk.
Someone who will give you a hand whenever you need it.
Someone who will lift you up when you have fallen.
They lend a shoulder for you to cry on.
They give you laughter in moments of gloom.
A person that warms you with their smile.
A person who gives you love, no matter what happens.
Friends are around when everyone else abandons you.
Friends see you through the roughest of times.
What makes a friend?
Look into the mirror my friend,
The reflection you see is my idea of a friend.

GravyDave © March 1999

Two Friends

You make two friends,
Who make two friends,
Who make two friends more.
The cycle of friendship continues to go,
Till friendship is all around the world.
As friendships grow,
Unity flourishes,
Good will to your fellow man.
Of those two friends,
And their two friends,
We will gain friends across the globe.
For every two friends who have two friends,
Our numbers continue to rise,
As time goes on, with every two friends,
It will become a friendly world.
So make two friends,
And watch it grow,
Always two friends more.

GravyDave © June 1998

Why Violence?

Is it violence in the news,
Or violence in the movies,
Maybe the violent games,
Or the violence in the homes,
That makes the violence in our streets?
Can we explain why our children kill?
Can they understand what they are doing?
Does age make for responsibilities,
For the harm they do?
At what age can they be held accountable,
For the people's lives that they take?
Do they learn to be violent,
Or do they think they are only playing a game?
Can you protect your children from any harm,
Can you guard them from any crime?
What can you teach the children,
To never cause someone harm?
When your children leave home,
Do you know they will return?

GravyDave © April 1998

Why Me

Why me, this you may ask,
When illness strikes, the face of doom.
You look for causes, search for answers,
To try to understand, to help you cope.
Have I done what I was sent here to do,
Could my life have been more fulfilling?
Maybe just an inconvenient set back,
But the pain and the suffering that will come,
You must be strong and search for salvation.
Take each step one day at a time,
Ease yourself away from worry and stress.
What is meant to be will be,
No matter how you may struggle with the issue.
You have to relax, leave the negative behind,
Your body responds to the pressures you place.
Now is the time to set things straight,
Forgive others as you want to be forgiven.
Always continue to have hope,
Never give up.
When the time comes,
Have peace within your soul,
Accept today what yesterday caused.
No blame, no hate, no hard feelings,
Just a simple understanding,
What is meant to be will be.

GravyDave © August 1998


Hear whispers in the night,
As the wind plays its games.
Hear whispers in the dark,
As your mind plays its tricks.
Whispers from your love,
Telling how much they care.
Whispers of soft breezes,
Blowing across your face.
Hear whispers in a distance,
From someone speaking so quiet.
Hear whispers from couples,
In their deepest embraces.
Whispering when we don't want to be overheard.
When we speak of secrets we don't want to share.
Whispering quietly when we should not speak,
Because there is something we need to say.

GravyDave © April 1998

Two Passions

Love never is simple and easy,
Every moment takes special effort.
You give your heart to the one you love,
Never thinking you'd love more than one.
Your passions and desires remain the same,
Until another love appears in your heart.
Now you are pulled in more directions,
Your devotion, your love you do share.
No longer can you give it all to one,
That one love it all started with.
Your feelings become confused and unsettled,
To love more than one, your mind becomes unsure.
They each give you happiness, they make you smile,
You feel all warm inside with either you speak.
You find yourself thinking how would it be,
Which one is the one, which one will always be.
So simple it was to have just one to love,
The one you share everything with,
You no longer can do.
In many ways it can be very nice,
But the thoughts, the fears and all else that goes,
To love more than one, what will it cost.

GravyDave © April 1998

Special Soul Mates

Even though we only met a short time ago,
Our paths have crossed and love has blossomed.
This secret love affair must stay that way,
But the love we share is no secret to us.
The time we get to spend in each others arms,
Makes up for the times we must only talk.
As each of us has our own private lives,
With our partners we still care so much.
It happened so quick that we should meet,
And with each time we come together,
It seems as if we were meant to be.
We both know that what we have,
Must stay this way so as to not cause pain.
We will make the most of our special moments,
Either the warm conversations we have online,
Or the closeness of our times we meet in the flesh.

GravyDave © May 1998

Secret Heart

Oh where has it gone,
That love I once had.
The ability to care for,
The wanting to give of myself.
My heart is sealed,
Will it ever live again.
Deep inside me,
I know I am alive.
I feel the deep sensations,
For the warmth of someone dear.
I wait for the time to come,
When my night in shining armor,
Prince charming carrying the key.
To unlock my heart,
Set it free,
To love the way I know I should.
Times comes and times go,
Yet what I feel is cold.
My secret heart holds my heat,
The warmth that I long to share.
I feel the need,
I have the desire,
I want to love again.

GravyDave © August 1998

No Escape

We run, we hide, we try to escape,
The pain we feel inside.
Changing our environment,
Change our lifestyle,
By moving far away.
We cannot change who we are,
We can only change where we are.
No amount of drinking,
And no amount of drugs,
Can ease away your pain.
You can sleep away weary bones,
Or rest your tired muscles,
But sleep away your sorrows,
It cannot be done.
The pain, the loneliness,
Heartbreaks or disappointments,
All in the control of your mind,
No matter where you go.
We build our dreams,
And make our happiness, We can move to a better home.
But to run away or hide from pain,
It will follow us to the end.
Face our fears, stand our ground,
Look troubles in the eye,
As soon as we do,
It is never too late,
We can become who we are.

GravyDave © April 1998

Purpose Of Life

Everyone is born for a purpose to be,
You may never see it, or never know.
Each life no matter its length,
That existence has meaning to some.
A minute, an hour, or for years to come,
Time doesn't matter for the life that's begun.
We touch maybe only one soul,
Or we may share our soul to many.
Each breath of life brings something to some,
Life is simply a moment in time.
A time determined not by minutes or hours,
But by the purpose for which the life began.
Each heart beat you hear or feel,
Is the touch of whatever purpose is near.
Question not why it began or ended,
Look to the purpose it gave to someone.

GravyDave © March 1998

Next Time

The pains and ills your body goes through,
Changes what you do or where you go.
Stops you from living your life to the fullest,
Changing your aspirations to aggravations.
As hard as you try, sometimes it doesn't work,
You plan to continue, but continue you can't.
When you feel on top of it all and feel your best,
You tell yourself, next time I will ignore.
Yet next time comes, the pains return,
The adjustments you thought you made,
Go by the wayside one more time.
Whatever the ills, however the pain,
The stress it causes, the mind tends to forget.
You can set the mind up to handle it better,
But the next time it hits, later you regret.
Meditation, concentration, you keep telling yourself,
I can continue, it will not control me,
I will overcome, I will survive.

GravyDave © March 1998


May your dreams always be pleasant,
And close to your heart.
May your world be of fantasies,
Of Life at its best.
May you have more than you give,
But receive more than you have.
May your day dreams become reality,
And your night dreams soothe your soul.
Catch all your dreams and hold on tight,
Never let anyone diminish your dreams.

GravyDave © January 1999

Can It Be

We promise to love one another,
To offer our hearts for the other to share.
You give me hope of happiness,
For the time we may become united.
Our dreams may come to pass,
To become a reality we only envisioned.
I offer you my heart and soul,
In exchange for your understanding.
We could make what time we can,
To build a future where we both could be happy.
Maybe it is only a dream,
But a dream I could live out to the end.

GravyDave © June 1998

Days Gone By

I remember yesterday, so many years ago.
Memories of a past, some I'd rather forget.
A childhood so long past,
Still today I would wish to play.
Thoughts of tomorrow, imagining,
If yesterday was different, what would I be today.
Which past would I relive if I could,
If I knew yesterday what today would bring,
Could I have changed it to make tomorrow better.
It takes your yesterdays to make who you are,
Because of your past you learn to be you.
I know I cannot change where I have been,
But tomorrow is mine to make what I can.
As I learned from my days gone by,
I will live for days to come.

GravyDave © April 1998

I Challenge you

Lend a hand,
Help your neighbor.
Learn of peace,
Teach compassion.
Build a future,
Not a ruin.
Understand needs,
Fulfill someone's dream.
Pass along a smile,
Give a warm hug.
Be honest,
Give truth a chance.
For thoughtfulness,
It will bring a smile.
Trust in your fellow man,
As trustworthy as you are.
Keep nature beautiful,
Dispose of your waste.
If something harms someone,
Don't do it.
Something you have yet don't need,
Could be someone else's survival.
Promote PEACE within yourself,
Let it spread throughout the world.

GravyDave © Feb. 1998


Men, hard on the outside, soft on the inside.
Women, soft on the outside, hard on the inside.
Men are afraid to show feelings, afraid to share their souls.
Women are afraid to set themselves up for heartache.
Men refrain from sensitivities, they hide them with coldness.
Women refrain from tackling any chore, quicker to say I can't.
Men are quick to protect their possessions,
and slow to protect their feminine side.
Women are quick to protect their hearts,
yet slow to protect their masculine side.
Men are slow to shed a tear and quick to show anger.
Women cry so very easily and their anger may be less.
Men tend not to show emotions,
but quick for sexual urges.
Women are always ready to show emotions,
yet slow to show sexual interest.
Men will not show affection in public.
Women show affection anywhere.
Men seem easy to make new friends,
but must work harder to keep them.
Women are able to keep friends easier,
and must work hard to make them.
Men can learn from women to open up,
Women can learn from men to shut out.
Men have the ability to be hard, yet soft,
Women have the ability to be soft, yet hard.
Men can teach women mechanical aptitude,
Women can teach men emotional aptitude.
Men need the companionship and respect,
Women need the respect and companionship.
Men love to be needed,
Women love to be wanted.
Each can teach the other what the other one needs,
Both can show the other what the other one wants.
The freedom of wants, needs and desires belong to both. Men can teach the qualities of listening,
Women can teach the qualities of talking.
Men want women to listen,
Women want men to talk.
Men want women to show desires,
Women want men to show emotions.
From the beginning of time till the end of time,
There has always been and always will be men and women.
At times one will out number the other,
But no matter the numbers, we are all equal.

GravyDave © March 1998


The love you gave me will keep me strong,
Through the long trail I need to travel.
We shared so much yet never enough,
Our times together were always special.
When you went away and left me here,
I felt so alone I couldn't go on.
The memories we made of the times we shared,
Brought so many tears and so much heart ache.
I never felt so much alone or so far away,
Closed up in my own little world,
Wanting and waiting to die.
Then those wonderful words you sent to me,
To awaken my soul to live again.
Spread my wings, show my colors,
Open my eyes to a brand new life.
I will soar high above in the skies,
Reaching out to find myself,
Refresh to the life I know I must lead.
Where ever you now are,
Looking down on me,
You will see I am going to be just fine.
I will never forget our life together,
The memories will be just a call away.
Yet I must start anew,
This closed up cocoon,
Has matured into this beautiful butterfly.

GravyDave © August 1998


They last a lifetime,
An ageless wonder,
They give us joy,
They give us a moment to renew,
They give us time to recall,
What the past has given us.
Memories are our life,
Our history that has been made.
We make new ones every day,
Live with the ones of yesterday.
They warm our hearts,
They bring us up,
They remind us of happiness.
Without our memories,
Where is the hope,
Where are the joys we have known.
Where do we turn to when we feel alone?

Author: ~GravyDave~
© April 1998

Distant Companions

People of different walks,
Meet in the distance of space,
Connected by wires and waves,
Sharing a mutual interest.
Never knowing the others eyes,
Not knowing what past they had.
Becoming interested in the words,
From the mind written in unique verse.
All there is in this world of cause,
The cause to become friends with many.
We shall never meet in flesh,
But in spirit we can become known.
We must take the time,
Give the effort,
To share our souls with all.
Today we build for the future,
Tomorrow we see our plans complete.
This world will never be the same,
Because with what we have,
We gain distant companions.

GravyDave © May 1998


Sharing, caring, wanting, needing,
Someone dear to you, you want to hold.
Helping, assisting, doing, being,
A friend, a companion, a lover.
Joy, happiness, sorrow, pain,
Sharing all with one you love.
Loving someone through thick and thin,
Being close in the heart if not in distance.
Everyone needs someone to care,
Someone to share, to want, to need,
Someone to soothe away our pain.
A friend to lean on, to support our endeavors.
We can live without anguish,
We can survive without pain,
But we need love to understand.

GravyDave © June 1982

In Your Thoughts

When friends are suffering,
And in need of comforting,
Send them your strengths,
Pass on to them what you can give.
Positive thoughts from your soul,
Energy you can send any distance.
By thought and true belief,
Guide the positive forces,
Positive feelings to someone in need.
Concentration with greater understanding,
For those who need the positive energy to heal.
Take the time whenever you can,
Put your friend in your positive thoughts.

By ~GravyDave~ © June 1998

Talk To The Ocean

I talk to the ocean,
And listen to its sounds.
It soothes the weary nerves,
Calms the tensions of stress.
I talk to the ocean,
Awaiting its reply,
For the thoughts to flow.
I talk to the ocean,
When I need encouragement.
From its mighty rage,
I gain inner strength.
I talk to the ocean,
To help my confusion.
With its constant churning,
I can gain understanding.
I talk to the ocean,
It talks back,
Tells me what I need to know,
All will be alright.

Author GravyDave © May 1998

The Night

The air is chilly,
Stars shining bright,
Moon beams shining on open ground.
Echoes from natures wild,
Traveling through the distance.
Lovers walking hand in hand,
Remembering the times they have had.
Children playing in moon lit parks,
Dogs barking at simple noises.
Wind blowing through open windows,
Sending breezes into once heated rooms.
The smell of flowers in the garden,
The scent of roses and honeysuckle.
The night is full of shadows,
Shadows of everything you see around.
The night gives you rest,
Rest from a long days work.
Give yourself the comfort,
To enjoy all your nights.

Author: ~GravyDave~
© May 1998

Midi that is Playing
"Through My Eyes"
By ©Bruce DeBoer

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