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A Mountain

Reflections of the mountain top
Mirrored on the lake down below
Background of a blue sky above
Highlited by a freshly fallen snow

A part of natures grand beauty
We can see this cold winter day
A flock of geese honk overhead
Waving their wings as if to play

Tracks of deer at the timberline
Show where they look for food
There is a howl from a gray wolf
Sounds as if he is in a bad mood

Sights and sounds of a mountain
Bring beauty of a different genre
He made mountains for a reason
Look and the beauty you will see

By Acie
© 2005

Click your mouse on the square music bar
to stop and start the music

Song by Alabama

Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

Febuary 2, 2005

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for entertainment purposes only
Music is copyrighted
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