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Dean's Stables

Dean has rolled out the big welcome mat
You can feel free to keep on your hat
Wear those blue jeans and take a seat
We'll have a barbeque and some treats

Horseback rides start when you are ready
Little ones can even bring their teddy
Dean's horses have that magic touch
Kick back and enjoy yourself, no need rush.

Dean fell in love in Texas
He is glad he came back
And grew that honey-money tree
Now he is sitting back and fancy free

He's got that magic touch
For he's a one woman kind of man
On that, I think we all agree
Now ain't that just so fine


March 4, 2005

Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

March 4, 2005

Music and pictures on this page
for entertainment purposes only
Music is copyrighted
Please support the artists
We make no profits from these pages

Page dedicated to my friend Chamas aka Dean