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Last Day Of School

Last day of school was always special
We would have a picnic on the ground
We were all so happy school was over
No sadness that day could be found

Games would be played all day long
We would set up our badminton net
Swinging at that feathered shuttlecock
We would all get covered with sweat

Spreading tablecloths on the ground
It was time to have something to eat
We always enjoyed the potato chips
To poor kids they were a great treat

We all looked forward to the summer
When we could play all the day long
No studies for the next three months
No tests to be graded right or wrong

By Acie
© 2005

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Adelbert Allen Davis

Page dedicated to my Dad
Often he told us stories about his first
Job teaching school in a one room schoolhouse.
Also about teaching young boys to read
And write letters home to their folks
In France during World War 1.

I love you and miss you Daddy


Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

March 28, 2005

Special thanks to Acie for the poem

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for entertainment purposes only
Music is copyrighted
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