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Sure I see that leak in that ceilin
Been gonna fix hit fer some time
Heck, woman we be's broke now
We haint got nary a nickle or dime

Now woman, you quit yer naggin
Widder Johnson wuz jest a talkin
I haint sweet on that there woman
Say you seed us in that hollar walkin

I am gonna tell you somthin woman
You wimmin are all driven me krazy
I would move away from all of you
But I reckon hits that I'm jest too lazy

Fix me up some grub there woman
Kant you see I am starvin to death
I am gonna go and take a crick bath
Gimmie some sen sen's fer my breath

By Acie
copyright © 2002

Music for entertainment purposes only
Please support the artists.

Special thanks to SusieQ2U for her painting

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