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The Sunset Years

She felt the summerwind touch her cheek
The sunset seems so peaceful
Soft splendor at the long days end
As it is so impeccably guided
by His ever loving Hand

The years have gone so swiftly
Was this part of God's plan
And as she ponders over the sunset years
Her thoughts are lost in deep emotion

She sees the sunset glowing like a golden pearl
As it settles down upon her life
And she lets her heart surrender
And will face the future with tranquil mind

For it is with Him she puts her trust
And she smiles as she thinks of her family
She has been richly blessed
God will continue to guide her
until her heavenly rest

Molly Burga
May 25, 2004

Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

May 25, 2004

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