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There is a Time

There is a time to love
There is a time to hate
There is a time to be early
There is a time to be late

There is a time for a grudge
There is a time to forgive
There is a time to die
There is a time to live

There is a time for rain
There is a time for sun
There is a time to walk
There is a time to run

There is a time to work
There is a time to play
There is a time to worship
There is a time to pray

There is a time to seek
There is a time to give
There is a time for thought
There is a time to relive

There is a time to think of heaven
There is a time to think of hell
There is a time to think of God
There is a time to know Him well

By Acie


Acie's Poems

Pictures by SusieQ2U

Megys Index

Song by Daniel O'Donnel
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