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Love Is Timeless

These timeless moments are so precious
You bring to my world happiness and bliss
As we walk arm in arm down the pathway
You smile as I give you a sweet tender kiss

We hear the birds as they sing so sweetly
See flowers that are magnifcently displayed
Walk by the brook and see its tiny waterfalls
See the tracks of where the deer have played

As we walk in Gods beautiful garden this day
There are only feelings of love in the fresh air
I know He must be smiling down on us both
For He knows of these feelings that we share

This garden He made for everyone to enjoy
Where the quietness will let you feel so free
We walk with complete faith and in happiness
Knowing ours is the world He wants it to be

By Acie
© 2005

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Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

January 26, 2005

Timeless by Daniel O'Donnel and Mary Duff

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for entertainment purposes only
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