
The Ride, 2013, LineLevel Music

The Ride


LineLevel Music


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Photo by Joe Kleon

The Ride Credits

CD:	2013	Line Level Music # LL 208	UPC# 8 - 84501 - 87269 - 0

01. Shiny Things (MS)
02. All I Want (MS)
03. Take That Ride (MS)
04. To Love Somebody (Cover)
05. Uptown (MS)
06. If Anybody Could (MS)
07. A Fool In Love (Cover)
08. Justine (MS)
09. Lucky Again (MS)
10. Making Beds (In A Burning House) (MS)
11. Shining Thru (MS)
12. Anything Goes (MS)
13. I Can't Wait (MS)
14. When The Smoke It Finally Clears (MS)

(front inside cover)
Sometimes, just to try and clear your head, it helps to take a little ride. Sometimes you just have to take that unplanned turn down a different road; and that's what this album has been for me, And as it turned out, it was a road where the light far outweighed the darkness; and that was what was needed... Any search for some great overlying theme or intertwining lyrical thread here will prove futile. There was no attempt to do anything more than to write some new songs with a certain stylistic similarity, get together with some dear friends, the talented and generous players, singers, and knob-twirlers who joined me on this journey and who made it all so much better, and to try and make some music that would raise our spirits and move our hips; which is just what so many of my favorite songs from the past have always done for me... Next time out I'll more than likely return to somewhat more familiar territory... or maybe not; the car goes where the eyes and the heart go. But for now I hope you'll just roll down the windows, turn it up, and enjoy the ride...
(back )
Vocals: Michael Stanley & Jennifer Lee Guitars: Michael Stanley, Danny Powers & Marc Lee Shannon Piano & Organ: Bob Pelander Drums: Tommy Dobeck Bass: Michael Stanley & Eroc Sosinski Percussion: Rodney Psyka Saxophone: Paul Christensen
Special Guests: Don Dixon: vocals Frankie Starr: guitar Gary Jones: piano & organ Michael Gismondi: bass Colin Dussault: harp
Produced by Michael Stanley Mixed by Bill Szymczyk Recorded at The Powerstrip, Cleveland, Ohio & Rancho Pelando, Las Vegas, Nevada Mastered by Dave Harris at Studio B, Charlotte, NC Album Design by Marty Lee Hoenes Car pbotographs by Michael Stanley Michael Stanley photo by Joe Kleon Management & Booking by
All songs written by Michael Stanley except "To Love Somebody" (B. Gibb, R. Gibb & M. Gibb) and "A Fool In Love' (Frankie Miller & Andy Frazer)
Special thanks to Tommy Stazzone & Dan Montecalvo for herding all the cats and to Crispy for being "the man'" and always making it better

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