
Just Another Night, 2008, LineLevel Music

LineLevel Music


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Just Another Night In America
--words and music by Michael Stanley

Matty's on the move tonight
Making his way through the old neighborhood 
Racing the morning light
Thinking that he sure could use a cold one
That he sure could use some sleep
Wonderin' why the memories that haunt him
Are the ones you'd never keep ...

Making his way down a dead end street
All the houses the same and they just seem to fade
Into one as they bake in the heat
And every house has got its story
And every story's got its start
Every start leads to an ending
And most endings fall apart ...

	Just another night in America
	Just another night in the land of hopes and dreams
	Just another night in America
	Ya make it through another day
	Tryin' not to fade away ...

Now he's wonderin' where they've gone
All the faces he knew that he watched as he grew
They just seem to move on along
And Janie got remarried
Took the kids and hit the shore
And John's in California
Don't think much 'bout here no more ...

	Just another night in America
	Just another night in the land of hopes and dreams
	Just another night in America
	Ya make it through another day
	Tryin' not to fade away ...

	And what ya gonna do 
	When it all feels just like a heartache
	Where you gonna look 
	To find another kind of ending
	And what you gonna try 
	That won't be just another mistake
	You ain't gonna break 
	But you're so damn tired of bending ...

So you look for little victories
So the night won't seem so long
But the DJ won't stop talking
Just shut up man play my song ...

	Just another night in America
	Just another night in the land of hopes and dreams
	Just another night in America
	Ya make it through another day
	Tryin' not to fade away ...

	Just another night in America ...

	(to fade)

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