2012 LineLevel Music
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--words and music by Michael Stanley
Martha took the news and put her things away
And said it's time we all go home
Wasn't quite the way she saw that day
Just goes to show you never know
What comes rolling round the corner
Or stealing through the night
Or when it's time to rage against the fading of the light ...
She said I know you only want to take my pain away
But it's ashes to ashes dust to dust
And I want to tell you that I'm not afraid
I'm curious
I'm just curious ...
Martha said she'd thought about it long and hard
And there wasn't all that much she'd left undone
She'd seen the moon rise on a Kenyan night
And from the Great Wall seen the setting sun
And she watched her babies' children have children of their own
And said just how amazing was this life she that she had known ...
She said I know you only want to take my pain away
But it's ashes to ashes dust to dust
And I want to tell you that I'm not afraid
I'm curious
I'm just curious ...
And she stared out of her window
In a reverie of peace
And cherished every second till her moment of release
She said I know you only want to take my pain away
But it's ashes to ashes dust to dust
And I want to tell you that I'm not afraid
I'm curious
I'm just curious ...
I'm just curious ...
The Lyrics Girl,
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This website is a not-for-profit fan site intended solely as "of interest" to fans of Michael Stanley, the
Michael Stanley Band and
Michael Stanley and the Resonators. HTML coding,
verbage, layout and design and graphics are original
(with considerable
assistance from Shea Ryan); however, images and lyrics remain the sole property
of their individual copyright
holders including but not limited to Arista
Records, EMI Records Group, Tumbleweed Records, Epic Records, MSB Records,
Razor & Tie Records, Intersound Music, et al. No infringement or damage
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