
And Then, 2015, LineLevel Music

LineLevel Music


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Radio Waves
--words and music by Michael Stanley

All we get is a moment in time
To leave our clues at the scene
of the crime
To change directions to change
some minds
And send it on down the line...

But lines get draw and lines get crossed
Marks get made but at what cost
So go all in and let it all ride
And nothing will be lost..

Let your song ring out and
see how it plays
Turn it all loose and get out of the way
'Cause out in the universe everything stays
Ridin' on those radio waves
Ridin' on those radio waves

There's too much me and not enough us
Too much hate and not enough trust
Too much confusion between love and lust
And sure as hell not enough time...

So take your excuses and put 'em to rest
Honor the gifts with which you've
been blessed
Take what you're given and
make it the best
And remember what ever you find..

Yeah there's no one gonna stop you
If you want to get it right
Yeah there's no one gonna stop you...

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This website is a not-for-profit fan site intended solely as "of interest" to fans of Michael Stanley, the Michael Stanley Band and
Michael Stanley and the Resonators. HTML coding, verbage, layout and design and graphics are original
(with considerable assistance from Shea Ryan); however, images and lyrics remain the sole property of their individual copyright
holders including but not limited to Arista Records, EMI Records Group, Tumbleweed Records, Epic Records, MSB Records,
Razor & Tie Records, Intersound Music, et al. No infringement or damage to commercial value is intended.
This site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only.
This website, its HTML coding and graphics, may not, in whole or in part, be copied
or reproduced without the express written consent of the Webmaster.
Printing of lyrics pages is permissible for personal reference and use ONLY.