
Tough Room, 2021, LineLevel Music

Tough Room


LineLevel Music


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The Iron Range
--words and music by Michael Stanley

Time doesn't give a damn about you
Doesn't care if you leave or stay
You march to your own drummer baby
Unless someone steals your breath away...

And if a picture's worth a thousand words
Still it's incomplete...
Aah 'cause nothing's really real
Till it's out there on the street
And a hundred billion pixels
They're all bursting into flame
And there's a fire tonight
Out on the iron range...

And every time has got its' moment
The moment when you've got to choose
Between the truth and all the lies
For the ones that got nothing to lose...

Such a sad situation,
a millimeter of skin
Can change your reservation
Where somebody loses again
and again...

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This website is a not-for-profit fan site intended solely as "of interest" to fans of Michael Stanley, the Michael Stanley Band and
Michael Stanley and the Resonators. HTML coding, verbage, layout and design and graphics are original
(with considerable assistance from Shea Ryan); however, images and lyrics remain the sole property of their individual copyright
holders including but not limited to Arista Records, EMI Records Group, Tumbleweed Records, Epic Records, MSB Records,
Razor & Tie Records, Intersound Music, et al. No infringement or damage to commercial value is intended.
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