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As if the physical pain from endometriosis isn't enough we are faced with the possibility of being infertile due to this horrid disease. Infertility can affect 30-50% of women who suffer from endometriosis. Though, it is said that the more severe the disease the greater the risk to have fertility problems.
The inability for a women to conceive can cause a great deal of unhappiness and greif. The affects of endometriosis and infertility can be devastating to many women. I have compiled a comprehensive list of websites that cover infertility. These sites offer a more detailed description on infertility and where you can go to get help. If you would like to see any sites added please Email Me with the link and I will add it as soon as I receive it. Thank you.

Recommended sites on Infertility:
Fertility Neighborhood
The American Infertility Association
The Infertility Center at iVillage
The FertilityDocShop
Overcoming Infertility
Infertility Network