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Trimming the Bush- contacts to counter-Bush groups and info/dirt on America's new Furor
Bush family history
Bush family history
For facts on Instant Runoff Voting, Proportional Representation and other electoral reform measures
Center for Voting and Democracy

Facts on Abolishing the Electoral College Citizens for True Democracy
742 N.Ameherst Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711

For facts on Clean $ and Clean Elections Public Campaign
1320 19th St., NW Suite M-1
Washington, DC 20036 Phone; (202) 293-0222
Fax: (202)293-0202

Facts on Voting Rights for Former Prisoners
Prison Activist
PO Box 339, Berkelely, CA 4701

For facts on DC statehood:
DC Statehood Green Party
641 Maryland Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20002

For facts on Independent Election Administration Bodies
Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street #303
San Francisco, CA 94110
fax 415 255-7498

For other voter Bill of Rights Info:
Independent Progressive Politics Network
Box 1041
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

National Action Network
1941 Madison Ave
NY, NY 10035
212-987-5020, 212-987-5024(f)

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, 206
NY, NY,10011

Justice Action Network

Center for Constitutional Rights
NY, NY 10012
212-614-6464, 212-614-6499


Alliance for Democracy
681 Main St.
Waltham, MA 02451
781-874-0279 781-894-0279(f)

Black Farmers and Agriculturalist's Assn.
PO. Box 61
Tillery, NC
252-826-2800 252-826-3244(f)

Organizers' Collabrative
Box 400897
Cambridge, MA 02140

The Green Party USA
PO Box 1134
Lawrence, MA 01842
978-682-4353 978-682-4318(f)

Association of State Green parties

Campus Greens

Mass Defense Committee
c/o National Lawyers Guild
126 University Pl.
NY, NY 10003

Protest Survival guides

Protection for People attending World Bank/IMF Protests"- surviving chemical warfare 101
How to Make Leather Armor"
Tear Gas and Pepper Spray Protection
New!!! Article describing how to deal with chemical agents at a protest (A MUST READ!!)
Chinese Homeopathic wound healing recipes
Repelling undercover cops

Jail survival stories Story of how guy copes with and transcends jail experience with other inmates. A must read. This guy who is a protest virgin comes up with remarkably profound insight into situation. He is mass arrested with other protestors at the Democratic National Convention.

More Protest Stuff

DC Indymedia discovers Inaugerauction protest cop spying

Keeping Your Surfing Secret- Ways to Prevent Cyberspying
Army Field Manual
, by ???
This is a good book to have around. Maybe your library has it.

Corptocracy Issues
"Rise of Corporate Power in America" from the book When Corporations Rule the World by David Korten
(has the cool Lincoln quote)
Excerpt from the book Toxic Sludge is Good for You!- Lies, Damned Lies and the Public Relations Industry by Jim Stauber and Sheldon Rampton of Center for Media and Democracy: UWSP review of above book

Media Monopoly issues

The Media Monopoly by Ben H. Bagdikian
"Self-Censorship and the Homogeneity of the Media Elite" by Peter Phillips. Excerpted fr. 1998 Censored News Stories- Project Censored
"It's the Media, Stupid," by John Nichols and Robert McChesney, Seven Stories Press, 2000
The Media Bix Six by Norman Soloman, Z magazine, June 2000
"The Power of the Press Has a Price,"
Merger Mania
"What a Difference A Day Makes," The cover up of the death of an SF bike messenger by the SF Chronical- the most widely distributed northern CA paper.
The Media Giants Have a Friend at the FCC, by Robert McChesney
The Media Channel. Site has color map of media monopoly

Global Warming
General Subject reference

"What if the Conveyor Were to Shut Down? Reflections of the Great Global Experiment" GSA Today (publication of the Geological Society of America)

HTML version

PDF version
"Dead On Arrival" "Dead On Arrival"
Why Should a Few Degrees of Warming Be a Cause for Concern"
The Carbon Bomb- the Fate of the Northern Boreal Forests" Explains the snowball effect melting the tundra and permafrost will have on warming effect. This is because these both are massive carbon sinks. They hold the equivalent of 1/3 the CO2 present in the atmosphere now.
The Carbon Bomb- the Fate of the Northern Boreal Forests" Explains the snowball effect melting the tundra and permafrost will have on warming effect. This is because these both are massive carbon sinks. They hold the equivalent of 1/3 the CO2 present in the atmosphere now.
"Global Warming Worse Than Feared" "Global Warming Worse Than Feared"
Arctic "Now Adding to Global Warming
Health Effects of Climate Change
Health Effects of Climate Change

Nonviolence vs. violence and all the shades of gray

Martin Luther King's speeches are reprinted on this site. He is against unprovoked violence, but advocates it in cases where it would do more harm not to do it. Above all, how we act at protests ought to be the result of an agreed consensus. If we don't have open discussion and democratic involvement in the process, resentments can flare. Communication, analysis and discussion go a long way! Revolution just may be necessary, but don't let 'em say we didn't give peace a chance
"The Non-violent Army," Znet

Articles on why Bush administration did little or damnright nothing to prevent the s11 attacks.