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Multimedia Archive Page 2

Democratic Convention Protests- Articles
Police Attack Organized Labor at Staples Rally; Leaders Demand Apology
Corporate Media Distortions of Police Brutality

Democratic Convention Protests -photos
Ruckus Society Photos What Democracy in LA looks like: "Is biking a crime?"
Los Angeles Urban Rhythm Volunteers at the DNC
Protestor After Being Shot in the Face with a Rubber Bullet
Photos of Mass Arrest at a Critical Mass held to protest the DNC
American Corporate Flag
"This Is What Democracy Looks Like" Arrested
US / Mexico Border Deaths Memorial
Protestor Shot After Rage Concert
Cops Shut Down IMC for 'Bomb Threat' DNC protests- text
New! After LA?--Suggestions on Movement Strategy and Tactics
New! From Battle of LA to Boston October 3 Protest Dicusses LAPD's usage of agent provocateurs at DNC
New!D2K Press Conference to Reclaim Pershing Square
Discusses revocation of permit to march as being unconstitional (which it is!!)

Republican National Convention Protests- Philly
Photos of arrest of people in lockdown at the RNC. There are photos of violent arrest of demontrators
Republican National Convention Protests
Mumia Abu Jamal Supporters Seize Philly Streets
Prisoners get tortured in Philly- 400 arrested:
Welcome to the GOP
Anti-Poverty March
Billionairs for Bush or Gore
AIDS Drugs For Africa Banner
Cops arrest one of hundreds
>A Clown Which Escaped Police Raids

Melbourne, World Economic Forum, S11
Protesters Around Cop
Delegates Feried By Police Boat To WEF

Cincinnati TABD/ n16 Protests
TABD Protest Video
n16- police violenceProtestors, it states in the accompanying text, were subsequently harassed and pepper sprayed FOR COMPLYING WITH ORDERS TO DISPERSE. Apparently, you will have to be "beemed up" in future to meet the police departments demands for dispersing in 12 seconds.
N16- Cincinnati Video Diary, Part. 1 of 4

N16- Cincinnati Video Diary, part 2 of 4
N16-- Video Diary (part 3 of 3)

TABD Protest Video
Unmusically accompanied version violent sweep arrest Preferred version since the people screaming are audible. The actual page bearing the file has some interesting text on how those of us not arrested were HUNTED down by police. I saw a group of about 20 officers jogging in military troop formation to head off those of us who escaped. They chased people and then arrested them for jaywalking to run away. Maybe it's just me, but I'm afraid of gun toting beligerent thugs. If Tim Thomas were alive, he'd second that. Tell me they aren't militarizing the police forces. I think that all this brutality seems out of place until you realize that the media simply isn't talking about future circumstances which will mean economic collapse for the country. People buying more things is good for corporate profits. What lies are told to keep coveted consumer confidence? This article will give you an intro to probably the most important story in about 20 years. This is REAL!
Scientific American talks about it, & NPR did a story on it back in the '90's-- then shut up about it. This page has lots and lots of material on the subject. The media has become a dangerous monopoly, and is guilty of enabling our democracy to be gutted. If the fact that Bushes theft of the election was spun by the press to appear just and normal hasn't tipped you off to what is going on, then check out this site

New!!! Infoshops TABD Photo Archive
New!!! Text and Photo Account of Events done by the Cincinnati Zapatista Coaliton
New!!! "Why Were they Arrested?" Citybeat's account of unlawful arrests during TABD

