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Baby Christian I LOVE YOU

I want you to know it's all my fault
for your existence on earth coming to a halt
There is no one else to blame
And I feel so much shame

Desolete and alone
I wish I would have been shown
Before I made that choice
Not to hear your voice

Of the beauty you would bring
Being part of me and God the King
I miss you everyday of my life
The pain I feel cuts like a knife

Nothing compares to what I put you through
I'm so sorry, I wish I could go back and start anew
And be your loving mother that is there
To let you know and show you I care

All I can do now is pray
That God is taking care of you everyday
And that one day you will forgive me
For making the worst decision there could be

So many times I long for you to appear
Time has been lost with you my precious dear
I would love to wrap my arms around you
And praise the LORD that I have found you

You are so precious in my heart Baby Christian. I think about you all the time. I miss you and I LOVE YOU ALWAYS! I pray that when my days are ended here that we can be united. Words cannot express how sorrowful I am or the feelings of love I have for you.

~Everytime this is read, I hope to save an unborn's life. A fetus is a child of God with a soul, that under no circumstances should be terminated. I have lived with this tragic decision that has affected me in so many ways for 12 years. The tears flow more and more each year.

If you have considered abortion or know of someone that is thinking about it, please contact me by clicking the picture of the mailbox below. There are so many options available and people that care about you and your unborn child. I'm one of them.

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