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JG Enterprises, Inc.

A Brief History

JG Inventive Labs
In 1994, two freelance scientists, Doctors Joshua Gulch and Bryan MacAfee, began working together in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. From this alliance, JG Inventive Labs, Inc. was formed with the intent to manufacture products that would better the existance of mankind. The goings were slow at first, and prone to failure. One such creation, the macrowave, was built to cook food in more than half the time of a microwave, but the radiation produced made the device unconventional.

16 Pound 3 Man Super Flashlight Project insignia After a series of failures, they stumbled upon what was destined to be the greatest invention in the history of man! It was a flashlight for three people. Sure, the neighbors laughed, and we only had a twenty foot extension cord, but it worked! Tests proved successful, and Dr. Andrew Black was brought aboard to help troubleshoot the machine. Sadly, the public had no desire for a three-man super flashlight. A solar-powered version was slated for construction, but the project was dropped on grounds of general disinterest by society.

Needless to say, this was the beginning and shaped the direction of things to come, for a label reading "JG Inventive Labs" graced the front of that flashlight. The JG Inventive Labs, or JGIL, manned only by Gulch, MacAfee and Black, set out on the right foot to make the world a better place to live.

Not much was ultimately produced by JGIL, due to heavy financial setbacks, although a special codebook was published, for use with the flashlight. JGIL had started off with a slight limp, but in time this little organization would evolve into an international corporation.

JG Labs, 1994... ...1998!

Following a year of faltering progress, JGIL received a grant from the U.S. Government to pursue their work, along with a number of sponsors to help the company get back on its feet. With a new lease on life, JGIL became JG Labs, Inc., with a new look to match, adopting the now-familiar logo. Taking on more personnel, it became necessary to establish a chain of command to maintain order, and so a rank system, based off the U.S. Navy, was implemented. Unlike the system used today, JG Labs' ranks were distinguished by a color system:

Ensign Lieutenant* Lieutenant
Commander Captain Admiral** Fleet


* There was no rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade at this time.
** The ranks of Rear Admiral (Upper), Rear Admiral (Lower) and Vice Admiral were not in effect at this time.
*** Enlisted grades were not differentiated by color.
**** These public relations designations were phased out by 1997.

This early rank structure was very simplified, omitting four ranks now on the present system, and enlisted personnel were not assigned ranks, only a rating (position). "Special Services" refers to employees hired by JG Labs, but not within the command chain, such as the janitorial and mess staff. In addition, two special designations were used for public relations, Guide and Visitor, both of which were completelly phased out by mid-1997. The color-coded rank structure proved to be a hassle to use, and was abandoned in favor of the present day insignia in 2001.

JG Labs' initial research was in the field of temporal mechanics with the goal of producing a device capable of transcending the Space-Time Continuum. In short, a time machine. After numerous trials and tribulations, a vehicle was produced that achieved that goal! Subsequent research followed and even resulted in a commercial endeavor, allowing passengers to visit times past. This program has since been severely cut back to prevent unforseen damage to the timeline. Time Machine Development Project insignia

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This page engaged 9 July 1999.
Last updated 14 November 2002.
©1996-2001, JG Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.