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Wednesday, 25 February 2004
sniff sniff
well i cant remember the last time i wrote on here, but i felt i should i just lost what i was saying there..i think im dieing and i cant be bothered to watch my spelling or capitalize things and such..thats ashame isnt it! i dont even know who im writting one comes to this site anyways! well apparently some people do come to the hit counter says they do..but no one posts anything so it doesnt matter (you assholes) well what is there to say?? life sucks as ussual its only a month into my semester and im already failing it all..well thats not true every assignment in my third period class ive got all thats good..but english and that damn sociology one..i hate it!! i have a huge project due in the morning that ive barely started and im NOT gunna~! thats ashame..Im also waiting to get my university rejections......aaahhhhh i think im going to cry or break something, i havent decided yet! so its time to go and ponder that!
Much Luv

Posted by oh5/kimieg at 9:44 PM EST
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Tuesday, 10 February 2004
No longer going to be poor!
Alright so heres the deal kids! I got a job finally, unfortunately it is at subway burlington this time! But hey who the hell cares, money is money! But apparently the people I'm going to be working with already don't like me, just because I've worked at other subways for like four years, and I guess they think I'm going to be a bossy bitch. Hmm, oh well, I'll win them over with my charms eventually, lol. I called today to get my hours because my first shift is tomorrow, and its only 4-8 so thats a nice short one but yeaaahhhh.... i work friday, saturday, sunday and tuesday aswell! Thats 29 hours of work! thatson a regular basis! AND I have to work all of Saturday!! Valentines day!! Not like I have a Valentine or anything but still I'm working 10-8 thats brutal horrible!..well its good because I need money, and sure i worked way more hours than that last year, but still grade twelve all university classes and that many working hours!? I don't think so! It will be so hard! They better not schedual me that much ; and its only going to be my third shift, lol crazyness eh?? Well thats all my bitching for now, well thats all that I feel I should go into detail with..and I'm sure your bored shytless by now! so Later much!!
Much Luv

Posted by oh5/kimieg at 6:19 PM EST
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Monday, 2 February 2004
No more grade eleven english class!
Hello There, its been quite some time since my last post, and for this I appologize. Yet I do not know who I am appologizing to...considering basically no one knows about this site yet! But I will continue my appologies. I am sorry that I havent made this site less shyttie..but my computer sucks and I can hardly ever stay on my browser without it messing up after a couple minutes! Well, with all of that aside I shall continue my "blog" okay? excellent! So, exams are over...First semester is over..andddddd second semester has started (clearly) I've only had one day of my new classes but I can already tell that these classes are going to be hard as hell! (however hard hell may be) And my 2nd period class is full of stoopid pretty biotchas, well theres a COUPLE good people, but i think im gunna drop the class anyways!..meh..BUT I am rid of the evil ass known as Mr. Martino FOREVER! And that damn gr. 11 english class! Damn right!

Hmm...well I was so sure I had exciting things to say..but I can't really remember any! Hmm..I lost my cell phone on Saturday, that pissed me off a little, last time i pay 350$ for a cell! Oh Oh! Andddd I went to see Dillinger Escape Plan, The Locust, Your Enemies Friend and umm The Oath ( I think?) Play in Guelph on Sunday night with ma sista and her friends. They are all pretty decent bands, but they scare me a little! but are Awwwesome live! It was really cold tho..that kinda sucked.....Hmmm

Oh Oh Oh I got 94% on my Religion ISU! sweet eh?!!? Its worth 30% of my mark too...but i only ended up with a 77% or sumthin in the class anyways...which is a shyttie mark! so thats no good! So I need to get crackin on my work this semester or I'm screwed for university! Speaking of work I best get going on my homework! pfft first day and already hours of work! OH well thats life!! ttyl

Much Luv
Yours Truely Kimie Gent

Posted by oh5/kimieg at 7:36 PM EST
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Tuesday, 20 January 2004
I'm tired
Well, this appears to be my first "blog" as you crazy kids call! I don't quite know what blog means, and I don't quite know what I am doing right now..but that just makes it all that much more exciting doesnt it?? I doubt anyone is going to read this but its still fun to write! I'm in exams right now, so that means a very tired, grumpy, stressed out Kim! but I've already finished three exams and only have one left! Ofcourse its the hardest one left, but its not until next tuesday, so that means more study time for me! good times, well I'm done now!
Much Luv,

p.s. this site will get better once I have time to make it!

Posted by oh5/kimieg at 5:49 PM EST
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