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Below are some answers to common questions you may have


Where do you get your pets?

Most of our available pets come from high kill shelters in the state of Ohio. Occasionally we will take in dogs from people who can no longer keep them. We have a limited amount of foster space available so we prefer to keep any openings for dogs who are in danger of being put to sleep.

Why are your dogs in foster homes?

We do not have a shelter. All of our available pets live in foster homes. Fosters will quarantine our pets after they have been saved, take them to the vet, socialize them, and provide most with their first REAL home experience. They work on manners, potty training, and other issues they may have. Our fosters have children and pets of their own so our puppies and adult dogs have more exposure to family life than they would in the shelter.

How do I see a dog or puppy?

We ask that you fill out an application for adoption. Once you have been approved we can schedule an appointment to meet you. We don't schedule appointments until applications have been approved because the pet you are interested in may already have an approved application pending or your application may not be approved. We try and inconvenience our Foster Mom's as little as possible and don't want you to get excited about a dog you may not be able to take home. If the meeting goes well, you can usually take your new pet home with you.
If you have another dog and you are interested in adopting an adult dog, they will need to come with you.
You are under no obligation to take the puppy/dog even if you are approved. We are trying to make a good match so if you have any doubts, don't go through with it. If the rescue feels that you are not a good match for the particular dog you are interested in, you will not be able to take them home. Most dogs will pick their people and unfortunately it may not be you no matter how much you want them.

Why is there a charge for your pets?

Some people think that a rescue pet should be free or "cheap" because they are rescues. Unfortunately most pounds charge a fee (even for rescues). We have them vet checked, vaccinated, wormed, and treated for anything they may need. Adults are spayed or neutered. They are often in need of professional grooming. Some dogs have been so badly matted that they had to be shaved. We purchase clothing for them to keep warm. We have to buy food, toys, treats, etc.
We have be fortunate enough to have many things donated, but we still have enough expenses to require an adoption fee.

Why would I want to pay that much for a mutt?

Adoption fees may seem high to you, but if you were to get a "free dog", by the time you have taken them in to your vet for their first exam, shots and worming. Then buy food, toys, collar, leash, will have spent as much if not more than your adoption fee. Your new puppy or dog will come home with a starter bag of the dog food their foster home has been feeding them, a collar and leash, a toy or treats, and you will also be provided with two months of FREE pet insurance courtesy of Petfinder.
The APL and Humane Society are both Non Profit organizations and are able to receive large grants and other funding which keeps their operating costs down. You might check them out if budget is an issue. You can also check your local dog pound. Most of the dogs only have a few days to be adopted before they are put to sleep. Some pounds provide shots. The fees will vary. The Summit County Animal Shelter has a $40 fee and doesn't provide any vaccinations or other veterinary care.
Click here for more info on fees

I only want a pure breed dog.

Well, believe it or not, there are millions of pure breed dogs in rescues all over the country. If our rescue doesn't have your particular breed, please do a search on You will probably find what you are looking for. Unfortunately even pure breed dogs get dumped at the pound

Animal Breed Zip Code

Do your pure breed dogs come with papers?

Not usually. Most people who dump their dogs at the pound don't care enough to register them and if they did, they usually don't even leave the dog's name let alone anything else.
Registration papers are not even a guarantee that your dog is a pure breed and certainly doesn't guarantee you will be getting a "good dog". Unfortunately there are NOT a vast amount of reputable breeders out there. I have come across many that will illegally register puppies that are mixed breeds, not born from the dogs that are listed on the paperwork, breed dogs in poor health and genetic defects, as well as many other unethical things.
If you are looking for a dog to show or are considering breeding. Please take some time and research reputable breeders. Most will be happy to take you under their wing and educate you on how to properly breed your dog to better the breed. Breeding is not a money maker. If you are not considering either of these two options, then there is really no need for registration papers.

What if I don't want to spay or neuter my dog?

Then to put it will not be adopting from us. We do not place our pets with those who currently have unaltered dogs and we require all of our pets to be altered at the age of six months.

Why are rescues so picky?

Many people complain about rescues being so picky about who they adopt to. There are some rescues that are very strict about the types of people they prefer to adopt to. The reason is because of what we see as rescuers and what the dogs have gone through. Most dogs you will adopt are nothing like what they were when they were rescued. More often than not, dogs and puppies are filthy, matted, sick, full of worms or other parasites. They can be friendly and sweet but many are depressed and withdrawn or the opposite....nippy or aggressive. Dogs have been pulled back from the brink of death, rehabilitated, trained, and loved by their foster parents/families. They want to make sure that whoever gets that dog will treat them the same or better. It is like trying to adopt out your child to some.
Some dogs simply can only go to one type of home. Maybe it is a senior dog that we want to place back in a senior home. It might be a hyper dog that can only go to a young, active home. We might have a special needs dog that we are looking for a home with experience with that type of dog. These are just a few examples of reasons you may be turned down for a particular dog. YOU may not be a bad home, but not the right home for THAT dog.
