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I applied for an award at The mini critique just came through and I'm very pleased to post it here.

"Gloria's Graphics is a beautiful website with a wonderful gallery of digital paintings."

"Every image on here has been lovingly created using no more than a graphics tablet and Paint Shop Pro (versions 7 and 8), no outside filters and only a handful of complimentary tubes. The artwork on show is simply stunning."

"If you are looking to recreate these works then there are a range of tutorials for you to follow, most of which tech you how to draw and paint with Paint Shop Pro. The tutorials range from the beginner right up to the advanced and they are clearly explained with many screen shots."

"For the PSP addicts out there that are looking for something different, or just a challenge this site would be an ideal starting point!!"

And here is the award!

award had graciously awarded me this lovely award for which I am most appreciative. What a thoughtful thing to do!


Waltsgirl's Graphics, etc. has awarded my site with this wonderful award! She has a lovely site and it's well worth your time to spend some time visiting.


These next three awards are from PlusPSP, a group in which I am active. These were awarded for various paintings which I had posted.

center> For Pink Rose

For Stormy Weather

For Rags and Buddy
may 2004

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