1. Right click on the image below and save as picture. Place in an easy to find file and then open it in psp. You may want to resize it once it is in your files.
2. Open a new image 500x 500
3. Dip your color picker into box one and paint the basic round bell shape.
4.Paint on the x's for the bells using the dark brown as shown in box 2. Use color picker for the exact shade.
5. Dab on the various shades of color using the color picker to choose the colors as shown in box 3.
6. Use a lighter shade of yellow, and a very small brush and outline the x's as shown in box 4.
It's as simple as that! In my example I have smudged the lower bell ,just to show you how it looks but to tell the truth, I like them better with no smudging :) I will leave that one up to you....to smudge or not to smudge, that is the question!