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I want you to know that you are the must beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, you are the girl a lot of guy's dream of, a lot of guy's like me. I knew you were beautiful even before you sent me your picture, I knew you were by the sound of your soft and relaxing voice.

You don't know how bad I have been waiting to hear your soft and beautiful voice you have again, I get online I hope and hope you are there. I don't want to scare you by telling you this, like I said before I am a very loving and caring guy and I do a lot of my talking from my heart. I know you may be saying I am crazy for saying all this to you but I am a guy that do believes in online love, I believe because it happend to me before, I met the girl of my dreams here online but I had to let it go because of one thing, to do the best for her kids even if we were still in love.

A romantic eve for me is to be close to the one you love the must in your life, with flower, me cooking, candle light dinner, romantic music, a glass of wine and a massage, etc. I am not saying this just to say it, I have everything here right now and noone to share it with.

I want you to know that I am very proud of you moving on with your life and not staying in an abusive relationship, no woman deserves to be hit or abuse by any guy, just remember one thing, always be who you want to be and don't let anyone tell you who they want you to be, do what is best for you and your baby and always follow your heart and you will be happy in life always and forever.

From My Heart
