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Toby's Journey
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Today is the Day!!!

Well, It's about 4 in the morning, and I think I slept about 3 hours last night. I finally laid down at about 11:30 and felt tired, so I slept, but I was up at 1:30 and couldn't sleep, so I tracked Toby's flight! He was in the air!! Then I didn't fall asleep again until about 2:30 or so, and was back up at around 3:15. So I'm pretty much ready to head to the airport... and Nate's still asleep!!! I know, no big surprise!! We want to leave at 4:30, so I'm guessing he'll get up in about 10 minutes or so.

I'm really not sure why I couldn't sleep last night. I wasn't worried, or afraid, or anything like that. I kept praying over and over, for God to provide me the rest I would need to make it through this wonderful day. I head out, with the assurance, that in some way, He has provided the rest I will need! I know He has provided me with lots of adrenaline, because I feel like I could run a marathon right now (I know, never going to happen, but that's how I feel!)

Well, not sure when I will be on again. If I can, I may post from the airport as we await the arrival! According to the tracking websites (yes, I check them all!) his flight is currently running about a half hour early!!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 3:54 AM EDT
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Thursday, 26 July 2007 - 8:27 AM EDT

Name: "Michael and Jen"

We are so excited for you guys!!  It has been awesome to see how God has worked in your lives.  Toby is one lucky little boy, he doesn't realize yet, what a wonderful family he is coming home to!!!


Have a wonderful and safe trip!!


Love ya,


Michael and Jen

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