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Toby's Journey
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
First Day of School

Taylor got off on her first day of school today! She was very excited and I look forward to hearing how her first day went. Drew doesn't start until Friday. He can't wait. Here are a few photos of Taylor.

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This past weekend, Taylor had a soccer tournament. It was a long weekend, but they all did very well. We have discovered that Toby does pretty well eating out! That boy will eat anything! Here is a photo of Taylor's team with their trophies!

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I also took Toby to the Oriental Store yesterday. It was very nice. He clung to me, but was very friendly with the Korean woman that owns it. She remembered me from my last visit and was very excited to meet Toby. She spoke to him in Korean, and his face lit up! I told her about the song he was humming the one evening at bedtime. She began singing a lullaby and he just smiled, and layed his head on my shoulder. It was very specail. We will have to make a point to visit the store often. If nothing else, to get his favorite Sweet Potato snacks!

Toby continues to sleep well. We've gone 3 days where he has not woken up at all. He still wants only mommy to put him to sleep, which is hard on daddy. I can't believe he's been home for a month already. Time has flown by.

Just a few recent photos! Trying to Walk Samson...

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First Oreo Expereience...

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God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 10:40 AM EDT
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