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Toby's Journey
Friday, 24 August 2007
Drew's first Day!

What a morning! Drew was about as excited as he gets. He was ready to wait for the bus about an hour before it came. He marched right on the bus and didn't look back. You could just see the excitement in his little face. Taylor, of course was very helpful. They sat together on the bus (that is what Drew wanted). Of course he had to strike a rock star pose, but he did stand nicely for a few photos. Now I just wait until Noon to see how the day went. Here are some pictures...

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And of course, since this is Toby's site, I had to throw in some of him. Here he is playing with Play Dough for the first time. All summer I watched older kids, so I hadn't made any Play Dough in a while. With school starting, and my younger kids back at the house, I had to restock. he loved making a mess!!

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God is Good 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:44 AM EDT
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Friday, 24 August 2007 - 10:05 AM EDT

Name: "Mel"

Gosh, the kids look so big!  I can't believe Drew is in Kindergarten!!!  Looking forward to next weekend!!

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