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Toby's Journey
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Surgery Scheduled

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Well, Here's one of our first photos of our entire bunch! Kinda cute, I think!! We are having family photos taken on the 27th. I'm so excited for that. It is through a photographer in Medina who works with They provide the sitting for free as well as the proofs, and a discount on purchased photos! How amazing is that! Soon I'll have the link on here to our photos, as she puts the proofs online!! Yeah!

Well, As the title suggests, Toby's surgery has been scheduled! October 12th, Toby will be having his "little boy" surgery. You know, the one most little boys have done soon after birth. Well, they don't do that in Korea, and because of his Kidney problems, the doctor said this would cut his chances of infection down by around 80%! I'm just nervous. I have not had any of my children go under anesthesia before. I know our children are not "ours" but when you've come so far and been through so much, you become a little possesive over them! God is in control, and I know Toby will be fine, but if you think about it between now and then, say a little prayer.

As you can tell, I haven't been posting as often. We are settling in to a "normal" routine. Not a lot out of the ordinary happens! Toby is doing great. We still struggle with communication, but he is doing so well. He is mimicking us a lot more. Out of the blue, he'll say something and throw us for a loop. One little girl I babysit, is 3 years old and Toby adores her. He now says "Morgan" a lot, looking at the door for her if she's not already here. Or if she's crying, he has to hug her and say "MorrrGann" How sweet!

Another prayer request is for me! I have been babysitting for about 2 years now, but I am at a point, where I only have one full time child. Please pray that God would lead me as to what I should be doing. Looking for more children to watch, or seek employment elsewhere. I just don't know what I am to be doing. I know what I WANT to be doing, but am not sure yet if that is God's will at this time. Thanks for your prayers!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 11:24 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 September 2007 11:49 AM EDT
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