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Toby's Journey
Friday, 25 May 2007
Asian Market
Last night I went to the Asian Market in Canton with my mom. Young Oriental Food Market is awesome. The gal that was in there was from Korea, and she was so helpful! She let us try pretty much anything we wanted. She was so excited to hear about Toby, and talked of all the other adoptive families that shop there. It seemed as if she was "proud" to be their link to Korean culture. I look forward to visiting often once Toby is home.

It really made me miss him! Being surrounded by his culture, without him being with me. It is a very important part of who he is, and how he has lived for the first two years of his life. We can not loose sight of that, and I look forward to my continued education of the Korean culture.. though there are some things, I'm sure I can never understand.

Taylor went, too. I think she really enjoyed it, and it gave her some insight into her brother, that I can't give her.

Keep praying!! I'm sure God has awesome things planned to bring Toby home to us soon!! God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 9:16 AM EDT
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Thursday, 24 May 2007
Toby's Video
I created a video for Toby while I wait for him to come home. You can check it out at YouTube by following this link Toby's Video

I hope you enjoy it! Warning... tissues may be needed!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 2:55 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 May 2007
The beginning

I am going to try and start a blog for Toby's journey home from Korea, to the US. I have never done a blog before, and was trying to create a website, but I feel the blog would probably be better suited as we get closer to bringing him home and the crazy life of having a new two year old in the house. We continue to pray and hope that Toby will be home in June, and things are continuing to move in that direction. We are having our adoption shower on Saturday, which should be a lot of fun. I think everyone is getting excited to see Toby and have him home with us. I have been creating a video. It started out as a beginning to what will be his homecoming video, but it turned out to be over four minutes already, so I guess I'll have to make two! I will have to sit down sometime and work on videos for Taylor and Drew. I'm sure one day they may be jealous! That's how kids are! We are all excited and looking forward to what God is going to be doing in and through our family this summer!

Stay Tuned!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 1:47 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 25 May 2007 9:22 AM EDT
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