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Toby's Journey
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Potty Training

Okay, so when your 2 year old, takes off his diaper, pees on the bathroom floor and as you are cleaning that up, poops on the floor in the hallway... is it time to start potty training?

I really think Toby is ready. We tried some today, he went once in the potty, then I wasn't able to do much in the afternoon. I started reading "Toilet Training in less than a day" today and I wonder... How do I potty train when I really don't know what "motivates" him? Candy? Toys? Stickers? What! He hasn't had a strong reaction to anything. 

I'm not ready for this. If you think about it.. He's my 7 week old little guy! I think we've only gone through like 4 or 5 packs of diapers. I'm not ready to give them up!

But what if he's ready and I miss THE MOMENT and it takes us two more years? No, he's smarter than that, but I still have no idea how I can do it yet.. He's ready... MOMMY IS NOT!!!

Comment me if you have advice, I'd love to hear from you all!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:54 PM EDT
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Sunday, 9 September 2007
It's Fair Time!!

I love the fair! Since Toby came home, I've been looking forward to taking him to the fair. Showing him all the animals, riding the rides, seeing all the "amazing" people of our beautiful county! It's always so much fun. Well, we went yesterday, and had a wonderful time. Here are some photos...


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Merry Go Round with Daddy... 

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 The Take off on the Motorcycles... That's an excited Look, Honest!

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 Drew and Toby enjoying a Motorcycle Ride

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My Two favorite InMates... Hope Uncle Tommy takes good care of them... 

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God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:51 PM EDT
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Monday, 3 September 2007
Big FUN Weekend

We had such a great weekend! This was Toby's big Thank You party weekend! We spent a lot of time getting ready for that, but it was fun.

On Saturday morning, we started off getting ready to head to Sam's Club for some last minute things. Before we left, Toby acted like he wanted to sit on our little potty that I have for the babysitting kids. I figured, "what's it hurt" so I took his diaper off and set him on it. I was kinda running around doing things and he came in and said "all done". I put his diaper back on and didn't think much of it. Then I went into the bathroom and noticed there was Pee Pee in his potty! WHAT!!! I never expected that. So I guess he's more ready than I am for potty training. He's still in charge. I've only had diapers for 5 weeks, so I'm not sick of them yet, and can wait for him to tell me he's ready.

Also on Saturday, we took Toby for his first haircut. He did great. I had to hold him, but then he was fine, and Jody got his haircut in about 10 minutes or so. Here are some pictures of the process.

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Then on Sunday, we had Toby's big event. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. I couldn't have asked God for anything better. I believe we had over 100 people there, and that is a reflection of how many people have been praying for Toby and care about him. He is a blessing to so many! Here are some pictures from our day. 

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And here is a photo of Nate's entire family! They all made it into town for the big event!

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Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 9:55 AM EDT
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Friday, 24 August 2007
Drew's first Day!

What a morning! Drew was about as excited as he gets. He was ready to wait for the bus about an hour before it came. He marched right on the bus and didn't look back. You could just see the excitement in his little face. Taylor, of course was very helpful. They sat together on the bus (that is what Drew wanted). Of course he had to strike a rock star pose, but he did stand nicely for a few photos. Now I just wait until Noon to see how the day went. Here are some pictures...

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And of course, since this is Toby's site, I had to throw in some of him. Here he is playing with Play Dough for the first time. All summer I watched older kids, so I hadn't made any Play Dough in a while. With school starting, and my younger kids back at the house, I had to restock. he loved making a mess!!

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God is Good 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:44 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
First Day of School

Taylor got off on her first day of school today! She was very excited and I look forward to hearing how her first day went. Drew doesn't start until Friday. He can't wait. Here are a few photos of Taylor.

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This past weekend, Taylor had a soccer tournament. It was a long weekend, but they all did very well. We have discovered that Toby does pretty well eating out! That boy will eat anything! Here is a photo of Taylor's team with their trophies!

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I also took Toby to the Oriental Store yesterday. It was very nice. He clung to me, but was very friendly with the Korean woman that owns it. She remembered me from my last visit and was very excited to meet Toby. She spoke to him in Korean, and his face lit up! I told her about the song he was humming the one evening at bedtime. She began singing a lullaby and he just smiled, and layed his head on my shoulder. It was very specail. We will have to make a point to visit the store often. If nothing else, to get his favorite Sweet Potato snacks!

Toby continues to sleep well. We've gone 3 days where he has not woken up at all. He still wants only mommy to put him to sleep, which is hard on daddy. I can't believe he's been home for a month already. Time has flown by.

Just a few recent photos! Trying to Walk Samson...

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First Oreo Expereience...

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God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 10:40 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 August 2007
It's a Hog Roast!

Hope you can all make it. Please comment me or contact me and let me know if you plan on making it so we can make adequate accomodations! 

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Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:50 AM EDT
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Monday, 13 August 2007
A Busy, but FUN, few days

It's been a crazy few days in the Mills' house! Last Friday, Drew had is graduation from Safety Town. It was so fun! They sang a few songs, and got their diplomas! He's all ready for Kindergarten. The really fun part was that a lot of kids that are going to be in his class, were in Safety Town with him. Here are a few pictures.(Kim, if you're checking in... a photo of Brandon as well!)

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On Saturday, Nate had to work in the morning, then Taylor had her last Ohio Light Opera performance. It was so exciting, yet so sad. She has REALLY enjoyed her summer with the Ohio Light Opera. She made such a cute Gretl. I only wish we could have video taped it, bummer! No pictures, either, we were not allowed, but I should be getting some that the photographer took soon. I will be sure to post.

Yesterday we had a couple of picnics after church. A neighborhood picnic and our church picnic. Toby slept through the first one (Nate was home with him!), but he had a blast at the church picnic. There was swimming in the pond. They also had baptism, and my girlfriend Jen's son was baptized. That was exciting. Again, I forgot the camera!!

But to make up for forgetting the camera, I have other pictures... the first are from last week, when Aunt Mel and Uncle Tommy came to meet Toby for the first time with the kids. They got out on the trampoline and Toby LOVED it! Here are some great shots from that.

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Also, took the kids swimming at the pool today. I think Toby is going to be a little fish. He has no fear of the water. I literally had to have hold of his arm pretty much the entire time. He loved going face first in the water. FREAKED ME OUT!! I think swimming lessons are in his future. Here are some photos from today of the kids.

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Thanks for checking in! Details to come about our Labor Day weekend hog roast! I hope you all can come out and meet Toby! 

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:02 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 August 2007
First Visit to the Doctor!

Well, Toby got to meet Dr. Strong! We had our first appointment yesterday and it went pretty well! Praise God... Dr. Strong said he did not hear any sign of a heart murmur (what he could hear over Toby's screaming), and he said that his Kidney Reflux, which is at a Grade 2, is NOTHING to worry about. He said that a Grade 2, is barely evident.

Other good news, the testing that they need to do to determine the status of the Kidney reflux is not an easy/enjoyable procedure. Originally, Dr. Strong had told us it is something that needs to be done once a year. Well, Toby had this procedure done in Korea in June, and because it is such a low grade, we do not need to have it repeated for two years. Dr. Strong suspects that it will be gone by that time!

Dr. Strong also believes by exam, that he is perfect developmentally. He feels that he will be talking in no time (I agree, for sure!!) 

So... our handsome prince, the one they said would have special needs, would be delayed, would possibly have kidney problems the rest of his life... He is perfect!!! He's a gift from God that I promise never to take for granted!

On another note, Taylor is down to her last Ohio Light Opera performance. I think I'm just as sad as she is! I went to the show last night, and was pretty much in tears the entire time. I am so proud of her. One of the professional cast members pulled me aside and told me that Taylor is a natural, and if she is having fun, we should continue to persue this for her. We will be praying for God's leading in this area!

And Drew has been at Safety Town this week! I can't believe in less than two weeks, he will be getting on the bus for Kindergarten!!! Where has the time gone! He is so excited, and I am just as excited for him. This is a big step for him, and he is ready to take on the world, I think!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:18 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 9 August 2007 8:26 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Our first outing

Well, we got the opportunity to head to Putt N Stuff as a family. Nate's company picnic was Monday evening. Toby did WONDERFUL! He is such a Mills! He just goes with the flow, which is a blessing with our family!

He loved the bumper boats with Daddy. Not sure who enjoyed this time more, Toby or Daddy? You be the judge...

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I also thought I'd throw in a few photos from our time in West Virginia. While we traveled down and back the same day, we did spend some time at my aunts house, which was nice. Here are some photos.

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And finally, Sunday night, I asked Drew if he wanted to get a bath with Toby and he replied "No mom, I'm a big boy, I take showers!" Okay, I said and I started getting Toby in the tub... guess who jumped in...

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And just a few other photos for your viewing pleasure!

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 If you want more, you can always check out our PhotoBucket account at

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 11:51 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 August 2007 12:07 PM EDT
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Sunday, 5 August 2007
My family is all together again!!

Well, Nate and the kids came home last night! It was awesome to see them! I missed them all so very  much. I can't believe how BIG Taylor and Drew are! I remember thinking how BIG Taylor was after Drew was born, and now, having little Toby makes Taylor and Drew look HUGE!

When they got in last night, Toby wasn't asleep yet, so he got to play with Taylor and Drew a little. They really enjoyed seeing him when they got home. He and Drew shared their first night together in their room. Toby had a hard time falling asleep, knowing Drew was above him, but he finally did. Then, Toby got startled and started crying at around 5 AM, but Drew was a trooper, he woke up, said "It's okay Toby, Bubby's here" and went back to sleep. I eventually took Toby into our bed so Drew could sleep. Not sure if this is going to be a regular occurence or not. We will take it as it comes.

Also went to church today. We just went for the final service, and Toby and I actually just walked around the church so he could get a feel for the place. We went into the service as they were wrapping up worship, which I think was a little much for him. Too loud! but he settled down, and we stayed in there for about 10 - 15 minutes. Then he spent some time in classroom. I stayed there with him. He really liked all the toys and kids! Each week, we'll try a little more. That place can be overwhelming, but we are there so much, he has got to get used to it!

Well, it's bedtime, so I'm off to ready my favorite book "In Case you Ever Wondered" by Max Lucado. I bought it for Drew when he was born, and he loved it, but it has an even deeper meaning now, for Toby. A must read if you have little ones at home! 

God is Good 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:42 PM EDT
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