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Toby's Journey
Friday, 5 October 2007
New Blog

Okay, so I've ventured out to try and find a new, more fun, less annoying way to blog. After checking with different Bloggers, everyone suggested our new home.

To follow us from now on, please check us out at

I believe you can comment a lot easier on this site as well! We have a big weekend, so check it out, as I will be posting pictures of all our exciting happenings... including meeting a very special person!!!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 1:26 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 5 October 2007 1:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 October 2007
And again

Well, if you live in Ohio, you know that it rained again yesterday, so no family pictures to share. We have rescheduled for the end of next week! I am taking Toby to the studio on Tuesday to at least get some formals of him done, then we will do family/kids on Thursday, weather permitting!

Potty training is kinda on hold. We are not pushing it until after his surgery. I figure with all the little guy will go through, I don't want to throw that into the mix as well. He still goes in the potty every morning, and often asks to go, so we take him, but I am not pushing anything right now. 

Proud momma moment... Taylor auditioned this weekend for the Wayne Center for the Arts play... and got THE LEAD ROLE! I'm so proud of her. This is what she loves doing and this will be her first lead. I was not at auditions, but was told that the competition was tough! She is so excited and I look forward to what God is going to do in her life with her gifts and talents!

This weekend we are going to Rolling Ridge Ranch, again weather permitting. I hope to have pictures to post next week.  

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 10:36 AM EDT
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Friday, 28 September 2007
Pictures Cancelled

Bummer! But it rained ALL DAY yesterday, so we had to cancel our pictures. We have them rescheduled for Monday! I can't wait. Now I just need to get rid of these two cold sores that are popping up today!! How frustrating!

Today is one of those days, where every time I look at Toby, I feel like I could just break down in tears. It's been 9 weeks since he came home, and I still have to pinch myself sometimes. I love all my children so very much, and I can't believe how instant that same love I have for Taylor and Drew, grew for Toby. I think I could just squeeze the stuffing out of him today. His smile, his laughter, his anger at me when I wipe his nose... I love it all!

God is good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 12:04 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Surgery Scheduled

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Well, Here's one of our first photos of our entire bunch! Kinda cute, I think!! We are having family photos taken on the 27th. I'm so excited for that. It is through a photographer in Medina who works with They provide the sitting for free as well as the proofs, and a discount on purchased photos! How amazing is that! Soon I'll have the link on here to our photos, as she puts the proofs online!! Yeah!

Well, As the title suggests, Toby's surgery has been scheduled! October 12th, Toby will be having his "little boy" surgery. You know, the one most little boys have done soon after birth. Well, they don't do that in Korea, and because of his Kidney problems, the doctor said this would cut his chances of infection down by around 80%! I'm just nervous. I have not had any of my children go under anesthesia before. I know our children are not "ours" but when you've come so far and been through so much, you become a little possesive over them! God is in control, and I know Toby will be fine, but if you think about it between now and then, say a little prayer.

As you can tell, I haven't been posting as often. We are settling in to a "normal" routine. Not a lot out of the ordinary happens! Toby is doing great. We still struggle with communication, but he is doing so well. He is mimicking us a lot more. Out of the blue, he'll say something and throw us for a loop. One little girl I babysit, is 3 years old and Toby adores her. He now says "Morgan" a lot, looking at the door for her if she's not already here. Or if she's crying, he has to hug her and say "MorrrGann" How sweet!

Another prayer request is for me! I have been babysitting for about 2 years now, but I am at a point, where I only have one full time child. Please pray that God would lead me as to what I should be doing. Looking for more children to watch, or seek employment elsewhere. I just don't know what I am to be doing. I know what I WANT to be doing, but am not sure yet if that is God's will at this time. Thanks for your prayers!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 11:24 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 September 2007 11:49 AM EDT
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Thursday, 20 September 2007
It's 3 AM!

You read that right, I... Carol... am up at 3AM. Toby is wide awake. He has been for almost an hour. Running around, playing with the cat, wanting a snack, etc. I'm exhausted.

So today we have our appointment with the Pediatric Urologist in Akron. That should be a fun visit. Especially with little or no slelep. I just pray that everything goes well, and that he can have his surgery before the end of the year... the sooner the better for me. I'm ready to get it over with. 

I haven't posted much lately, but I think that is a good thing. Toby is just settling in to the family, and life. We are just going about our daily stuff, and it is all going so well. Toby is still not very fond of Soccer. Who would be when he spends so much time at the fields and has to "sit still" somewhat for over an hour. 

Well, since I don't have my glasses on, and have no idea what I'm actually typing (is this a dream, I'm up at 3AM?) I'll cut it short. I may give an update after his appointment tomorrow.

God is Good.

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 3:16 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Potty Training

Okay, so when your 2 year old, takes off his diaper, pees on the bathroom floor and as you are cleaning that up, poops on the floor in the hallway... is it time to start potty training?

I really think Toby is ready. We tried some today, he went once in the potty, then I wasn't able to do much in the afternoon. I started reading "Toilet Training in less than a day" today and I wonder... How do I potty train when I really don't know what "motivates" him? Candy? Toys? Stickers? What! He hasn't had a strong reaction to anything. 

I'm not ready for this. If you think about it.. He's my 7 week old little guy! I think we've only gone through like 4 or 5 packs of diapers. I'm not ready to give them up!

But what if he's ready and I miss THE MOMENT and it takes us two more years? No, he's smarter than that, but I still have no idea how I can do it yet.. He's ready... MOMMY IS NOT!!!

Comment me if you have advice, I'd love to hear from you all!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:54 PM EDT
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Sunday, 9 September 2007
It's Fair Time!!

I love the fair! Since Toby came home, I've been looking forward to taking him to the fair. Showing him all the animals, riding the rides, seeing all the "amazing" people of our beautiful county! It's always so much fun. Well, we went yesterday, and had a wonderful time. Here are some photos...


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Merry Go Round with Daddy... 

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 The Take off on the Motorcycles... That's an excited Look, Honest!

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 Drew and Toby enjoying a Motorcycle Ride

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My Two favorite InMates... Hope Uncle Tommy takes good care of them... 

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God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:51 PM EDT
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Monday, 3 September 2007
Big FUN Weekend

We had such a great weekend! This was Toby's big Thank You party weekend! We spent a lot of time getting ready for that, but it was fun.

On Saturday morning, we started off getting ready to head to Sam's Club for some last minute things. Before we left, Toby acted like he wanted to sit on our little potty that I have for the babysitting kids. I figured, "what's it hurt" so I took his diaper off and set him on it. I was kinda running around doing things and he came in and said "all done". I put his diaper back on and didn't think much of it. Then I went into the bathroom and noticed there was Pee Pee in his potty! WHAT!!! I never expected that. So I guess he's more ready than I am for potty training. He's still in charge. I've only had diapers for 5 weeks, so I'm not sick of them yet, and can wait for him to tell me he's ready.

Also on Saturday, we took Toby for his first haircut. He did great. I had to hold him, but then he was fine, and Jody got his haircut in about 10 minutes or so. Here are some pictures of the process.

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Then on Sunday, we had Toby's big event. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. I couldn't have asked God for anything better. I believe we had over 100 people there, and that is a reflection of how many people have been praying for Toby and care about him. He is a blessing to so many! Here are some pictures from our day. 

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And here is a photo of Nate's entire family! They all made it into town for the big event!

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Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 9:55 AM EDT
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Friday, 24 August 2007
Drew's first Day!

What a morning! Drew was about as excited as he gets. He was ready to wait for the bus about an hour before it came. He marched right on the bus and didn't look back. You could just see the excitement in his little face. Taylor, of course was very helpful. They sat together on the bus (that is what Drew wanted). Of course he had to strike a rock star pose, but he did stand nicely for a few photos. Now I just wait until Noon to see how the day went. Here are some pictures...

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And of course, since this is Toby's site, I had to throw in some of him. Here he is playing with Play Dough for the first time. All summer I watched older kids, so I hadn't made any Play Dough in a while. With school starting, and my younger kids back at the house, I had to restock. he loved making a mess!!

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God is Good 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:44 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
First Day of School

Taylor got off on her first day of school today! She was very excited and I look forward to hearing how her first day went. Drew doesn't start until Friday. He can't wait. Here are a few photos of Taylor.

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This past weekend, Taylor had a soccer tournament. It was a long weekend, but they all did very well. We have discovered that Toby does pretty well eating out! That boy will eat anything! Here is a photo of Taylor's team with their trophies!

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I also took Toby to the Oriental Store yesterday. It was very nice. He clung to me, but was very friendly with the Korean woman that owns it. She remembered me from my last visit and was very excited to meet Toby. She spoke to him in Korean, and his face lit up! I told her about the song he was humming the one evening at bedtime. She began singing a lullaby and he just smiled, and layed his head on my shoulder. It was very specail. We will have to make a point to visit the store often. If nothing else, to get his favorite Sweet Potato snacks!

Toby continues to sleep well. We've gone 3 days where he has not woken up at all. He still wants only mommy to put him to sleep, which is hard on daddy. I can't believe he's been home for a month already. Time has flown by.

Just a few recent photos! Trying to Walk Samson...

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First Oreo Expereience...

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God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 10:40 AM EDT
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