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Toby's Journey
Saturday, 14 July 2007
12 Days

It is getting so close. It seems now, that as we make plans for the rest of the summer, we are making plans for 5. Church picnic, Work picnic, etc. I also think that each night, I'm dreaming about something different, but Toby is in the dreams so clearly now. I spent some time on the airline website this morning, just confirming what I can and can not bring on the plane. The hard part will be traveling with a stroller and diaper bag, but no baby! I'm sure we'll get some strange looks, and possibly some additional security checks. Fortunately, our trip is out and back in a day, so Nate and I will have very little carry on for ourselves.

There are moments, where I begin to think about everything Toby is going through, and I get so nervous for him. We are ready for him to come home, but are we really! It is going to be so exciting, but so overwhelming all at the same time. Our tiny brains can not even comprehend what he is going through. But God knows, and I have been praying every day, since we knew Toby was our son, that God would protect him and prepare him for the changes ahead. And that God would help Toby connect with us through the photos we sent in April, and through our love as he comes home. Please continue to pray with us for that!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:55 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 July 2007
A note from Drew (our 5 year old)

I feel happy about Toby coming. I wonder if he can come sooner. I wish that he could come very very very soon to me, when he comes. I know on the airplane, he will love mommy. I really really want to see Toby right now. He is so cute.

Toby is going to sleep on my bottom bunkbed. I am going to teach Toby how to play rock-paper-scissors, it won't be easy cause he speaks Korean. 

I am glad that he is going to come. I pray that he is healthy. I wish that I can cuddle him soon. I am silly, and I hope he thinks so. 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:19 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 7:27 AM EDT
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Saturday, 7 July 2007
19 Days

We're in the teens!! It's amazing how time is flying by! Nate and I were talking the other day about how it is kind of sad. We are praying the summer away. But once summer is over, we'll have a Kindergartner and a fourth grader, and I'm not ready for that!

On Thursday, Nate and I took Taylor and Drew to Pottery Art Studio for some special time. It was nice, and a lot of fun. Taylor and I went back today so she could finish up her peice and I made a plate for Toby. It was a lot of fun and we can use it to celebrate his "Forever Day" each year! 

At our shower, family made a "chain" for us to count down the days. It's been fun reading what everyone wrote, to help us through this waiting period.

Nate's been laughing at me because I've been worried about shoes for Toby. I know he'll have a pair with him, but I just want to make sure we don't have to "go out" to get anything once he is home. I guess I'll have to buy a half dozen pair, and we'll see which ones fit when he gets here!

God is Good!! Thanks for checking in!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 5:48 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 4 July 2007
22 Days


It's Independence Day! I had been hoping all along that Toby would be home for this special day in America, but he is not, and it is still a special day! The kids, Nate and I enjoyed the parade in Orrville last night. They got to ride on a float, which they loved! We also enjoyed the fireworks at Pastor Nick's house! Today we are resting. It is a nice day to spend with Taylor and Drew, snuggled up, doing whatever they want to do. It's supposed to storm, so why not hang out until noon in our PJ's!

 Only 22 days, or just 3 weeks, until Toby comes  home! I spent the day yesterday washing and folding Drew's 18 mos and 2T clothes. It just about brought tears to my eyes. I remember putting much of that away, after the loss of Kaleb, wondering what God's plans were for our family. I knew that my desire to have more children was from God, I just wasn't sure at the time where he was going to lead us! Now I know!! He has lead us down the perfect path, to our perfect son! 

My heart has also been aching for Toby's foster mother. Please be praying for her. Toby has been "her son" for almost 2 years. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for her to prepare him to leave. I am positive that she is happy and excited for him, but her heart must still be breaking. I'm sure she's trying to "be strong" for him, but let's all pray for comfort and peace for her! I hope that she will provide information so that we can stay in touch, and she can truly see how much we love Toby and how we will take care of him forever!


God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 11:27 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 July 2007 2:08 PM EDT
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Sunday, 1 July 2007
A note from Taylor

I can't wait 'til Toby comes home! A couple of days ago, we decided what we are going to do about the flight. I wanted to go, but I couldn't. I'm so excited that I"m going to have a new brother. Me and Drew have been playing with his toys, waiting for him to come home. My mom and I have been packing his diaper bag. Being the oldest is going to be fun, and having a new brother will also be fun.


From, Taylor 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 9:29 AM EDT
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Friday, 29 June 2007
27 Days!

Well, our flights are booked!! We will leave on Thursday, July 26 at 6:00 AM to head to Chicago!! It is beginning to feel real!! We will fly back from Chicago, WITH TOBY, at 3:45, landing in Cleveland at 6:05. We are fllying United. If you are interested in meeting us in Cleveland at the Airport, please let me know and I can give you more details.

I'm so excited, too, that Katy is flying into Chicago for the day, as well. So she will be with us, and be able to take pictures and things for us! She also mentioned something about getting pizza? She's so funny! 

Also, the kids are going on vacation! They are going with Grandma and Grandpa, and then Nate is going to drive down Monday evening to join them, after a few days with Toby. 

I look back, over this past week, and once again, see Gods work! When I first heard the date, and being so close to vacation, I wondered what God was doing? I really wanted to take Toby on vacation with us! But now, that everything is planned and worked out, I see that God was providing for our needs! Toby will get so much special time with mommy and daddy, and Taylor and Drew will not feel put off by us as we begin that bonding process, because they will be enjoying themselves at the Beach!!

God is Good... ALL THE TIME!!


Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:16 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 27 June 2007
29 Days!
I came across this song, Waiting, on some other message boards. The family that wrote/recorded this song is from Canal Fulton, Ohio! I thought it was a pretty awesome song, describing the feelings we go through while waiting. Not that any words can adequately say what our hearts are feeling!

We are trying to work on a compromise for vacation! I don't want Taylor and Drew to miss out on the beach! They have been looking forward to it for almost a year! We are hoping that Nate and the kids can go down, possibly a few days later, while I stay home with Toby. I think that will be best for everyone. Nate is concerned about missing the time with Toby, but I think we owe it to Taylor and Drew to keep things as normal as possible for them. I do not ever want them to feel anger or disappointment in their brother coming home. They are young enough, that I think them missing vacation could cause some problems. Please pray as we try to work out those details!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 12:29 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 June 2007
Good Website
Just thought I would add this webiste link on Bonding Issues for you all to read.

It has good information on things like visitors upon his homecoming, to information on bedtime. Thought it might help as you all prepare as well for Toby to come home!

God is Good

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 3:39 PM EDT
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July 26th!! I got the call from our Social Worker today. We were at VBS this morning, and people were asking how things were going. I kept saying, we should know more the first week of July... Only to come home to a ringing phone! At 12:05 today, she called to say I have good news, some okay news, and more good news...

The first Good news... Toby is coming home, for sure!!

The "okay" news... it's July 26th, and he's flying into Chicago. The reason that is "okay" is we were supposed to leave for a huge family vacation on July 28th. It has been planned of about a year now, and it's Nate entire family. There is no way we can bring Toby. We are not sure what that means for the rest of the family, but Toby and I will for sure be home. Also, Chicago is a lot further than Detriot! But it will all work out.

The other good news was... His Kidney reflux has improved to a grade 2, and he will be flying home with the director of KSS (the social service agency) the director of our adoption agency, FAC, and the Korean director of KSS Ms. Lee. Royal Treatment!! This means that hopefully his flight home will not be as traumatic, as he will be able to hear/speak Korean and be understood on the 12 hour flight!

Anyway, I will keep you all posted as we know more!

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 1:13 PM EDT
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Thursday, 21 June 2007
June flies by
It is so hard be believe that June is over half way over. We are making daily plans for July now, it seems, especially with the 4th. I was really hoping Toby would be home for the Orrville Parade! That is such a big deal around here. The kids are going to be in it. They are wearing Old Navy flag shirts that Nate's mom bought! She bought one for Toby, too. I keep finding myself unfolding it and holding it up, and hugging it. Just imagining him in it brings me to tears. I know it is going to be soon.

I ordered bedding from eBay and it should be arriving any day. We bought Drew's bedding about 2 years ago or so, and the room is painted to match, so I was thrilled when I found matching bedding. Of course, Taylor has continued to sleep on the top bunk, even though it is in the boys room now. I asked her last night where she will sleep when Toby is home, and she replied "on the floor".

Taylor has a big day tomorrow, as well. It is opening night for the Ohio Light Opera; Sound of Music. She has been working hard and they are ready. I think it is going to be amazing. Watching her in practice brings tears to my eyes. I am so proud of her. I can't imagine how I'll be tomorrow!

Keep Praying - God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 7:10 PM EDT
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