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Toby's Journey
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Today is the Day!!!

Well, It's about 4 in the morning, and I think I slept about 3 hours last night. I finally laid down at about 11:30 and felt tired, so I slept, but I was up at 1:30 and couldn't sleep, so I tracked Toby's flight! He was in the air!! Then I didn't fall asleep again until about 2:30 or so, and was back up at around 3:15. So I'm pretty much ready to head to the airport... and Nate's still asleep!!! I know, no big surprise!! We want to leave at 4:30, so I'm guessing he'll get up in about 10 minutes or so.

I'm really not sure why I couldn't sleep last night. I wasn't worried, or afraid, or anything like that. I kept praying over and over, for God to provide me the rest I would need to make it through this wonderful day. I head out, with the assurance, that in some way, He has provided the rest I will need! I know He has provided me with lots of adrenaline, because I feel like I could run a marathon right now (I know, never going to happen, but that's how I feel!)

Well, not sure when I will be on again. If I can, I may post from the airport as we await the arrival! According to the tracking websites (yes, I check them all!) his flight is currently running about a half hour early!!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 3:54 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Down to the Hours!

We can now start counting the hours. As of now, it's about 11 hours until Toby gets on his plane in Seoul. I figured, with all the time differences, etc. he will be leaving Seoul at 11PM our time (Noon on Thursday in Seoul), and will arrive in Chicago at Noon Eastern Time (that's 1AM Korean time!) on the Thursday. I had to practically draw a map to figure it all out!

As I woke up this morning, I was thinking of his foster mom. I'm not positive if he stayed with her his last night, but if he did, as I was waking, she would have been putting him to bed for the last time. It must be a terribly difficult day for her! I'm sure she hasn't slept much, either!

If you are interested in tracking his flight, he is flying Korean Air and it's flight 37. Here is a website you can track it on . I'm sure I'll be up all night checking the progress!

Our return flight from Chicago is United Flight 1146 leaving at 3:45 and you can track that there as well.

Not sure how quickly I'll get back on to post. If I can get service at the airport, I may post while we are waiting, otherwise, it may be a day or two, depending on how much sleep we all get! But trust me, I will post pictures as soon as I can!!

Please continue to pray for safety, health and a smooth transition for Toby. 

God is Good!

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 12:59 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 24 July 2007
A "Couple" Days

That's TWO!!! Today, not much happening. I babysit a 10 month old on Tuesdays, so I knew I wouldn't be able to get much done today.

I did watch the video again last night. It's amazing how different it was, watching it, knowing I would be seeing him in a few short days! Everything is ready, we just need a little boy home! I still have lots of mental "lists" of things to do, but at this point, the important stuff is done and ready! 

Nate was teasing me, because I was setting out my "meet Toby" clothes, and he was commenting on which T-shirt he would pull out! Guys and Girls are just so different!

I will post flight details and tracking information tomorrow, if anyone is interested!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 4:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 July 2007
A "Few" Days!!

Now I can say that, more than 2 but less than 5 right? A Few! THREE DAYS!!

Today, I got everything packed... I have so many piles around our bedroom, it's kinda insane!! Hopefullly, we can enjoy our evening with Taylor and Drew tomorrow. Of course, Taylor has soccer from 6 to 8, but maybe we can hang out and watch a movie after.

I'm going to take time to watch Toby's movie again tonight. I haven't watched it in a while, but I really want to see it right now. My handsome little boy! I can't wait to see his mischievious smile in person! 

Three Days away!!!

God is Good 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:08 PM EDT
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Sunday, 22 July 2007

Today is Nate's moms birthday, so we spent most of the afternoon over there with family, but I still have a lot of packing to do!

Lots of people at church were asking lots of questions. I think everyone is getting excited about what God is doing! Toby is a blessing to MANY, not just here at the Mills' house! So many people have been praying for him for so long, even before we had a picture or knew a name.

As the time draws near, I think I'm beginning to wonder how this all came about. It seems like we have been waiting forever, and it just can't "really" be just around the corner! Our God, who knows our hearts desires, has been orchestrating this for as long as I've been alive. Even before! What we as a family are about to experience, is what God has always been preparing. It is amazing to think. As in everything, there will be ups and downs, times of heartache and times of joy! But I know it is all part of God's plan, and it has to be awesome!!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:45 PM EDT
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Saturday, 21 July 2007
Five Days!

Day two of the yardsale was a huge success! It was nice to get rid of so much. All the baby clothes are gone! All I have now are 18mos boy clothes!

We went to WalMart this evening and bought a new stroller and Car seat! As with everything, it makes it so real! Each thing we do to prepare for Toby's arrival is just amazing. I remember putting together strollers and car seats almost 10 years ago... it's gotten a lot easier. I remember with Taylor, staying up until the wee hours of the morning with my dear friend Cher (as our hubbies watched sports I believe) putting things together. Today, Nate opened up the box, and pulled out the car seat! Amazing!! Then the stroller, we just had to attach the wheels!  We were done with both in under 15 minutes!

Tomorrow is pack day. I have got to get everything packed and ready for the airport, and for the kids vacation. A lot to do, but fun stuff! I also got the kids some things to make posters for Toby when he gets off the plane. That will be fun!

Our church has this saying, "I can't wait 'til Wednesday" referring to our Wednesday night service. While that is usually the case, I do enjoy Wednesdays, this week has a new spin.... I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WEDNESDAY!! That means we are on our way to our boy!!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:45 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 July 2007
Six DAYS!!

So Nate called this morning when he got to work and says "Do you realize, we get Toby This week!" I said, "of course!". We had our Yard Sale today, and it was a pretty nice success! It feels good to be seeing some things go, that will make room for our Toby!

We took Taylor and Drew to the movies tonight. Before the movie, we went to Wendy's for dinner. I asked the kids "what are you the most worried about regarding Toby coming home?" Taylor said she's worried about what to call Nate and I. Does she call us Umma and Apba, or mom and dad? I said to call us what she always calls us (the nice stuff anyway!) and that Toby will catch on soon. It's so nice to hear them say these things, I believe if they were concerend about anything, they would tell us. As we were leaving the theatre, Drew wanted "Uppied" (carried) so I picked him up and asked if he was worried mommy wouldn't uppy him as much when Toby comes home and he said yes. Then he thought for a moment and said "Daddy can uppy me so you can uppy Toby!" Good solution Drew!! Way to work that one out!

This weekend is going to fly, as will the next six days! Soon, very soon, our son will be HOME!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 9:07 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 July 2007
Seven Days!!

We are in the final countdown!! Now, it's like everything we do, we say "next time we do XYZ, Toby will be with us!!"

I am frantically running through the house getting rid of "stuff". I guess you could say I'm "nesting"! We are having a yard sale this weekend, so I'm trying to clear stuff out, to make room for new stuff! Isn't that how life is? We are so blessed in the USA to have SO MUCH STUFF!! Just another reason to be thankful God put me where I am, in such a wonderful country, with so many blessings, and so many wonderful people to protect me! I can thank our service men and women for the blessings I have, and that I have the ability to adopt Toby Joon from a foreign land, and he has the oppoturnity to be a US Citizen and enjoy SO MUCH STUFF! (Thanks Tom, and any others that may be reading this- God Bless You!)

One week to go. My heart races to think of what my life will be like exactly one week from now! Waiting on that plane to land!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 11:12 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Today, as I sat and watched Baby Story, or whichever show it was (Yes, I'm addicted to these shows!) I was reminded of when Taylor and Drew were born. As I sit and anxiously await July 26th, I am loaded with excitement, fear, concern, worry, joy.. too many words to list!

As I watched the show today, and the mother-to-be discussed how she was feeling, I realized that our  "paper" pregnancy IS NOT that much different than our physical pregnancies. As I "labor" for hours in the airport, my heart in pain, it isn't much different than the hours of labor at the hospital, with my belly in pain!  I wait for this "baby" who has no idea who I am, or how much I love them to come into my life! Will he like me? Will I be the best mom ever? Will he be healthy? And yes, I will check for 10 fingers and 10 toes, even though I already know they are they! I must see them with my own eyes!

God is Good

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 12:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 July 2007

I can't believe how fast this month has gone. We have nine days left! Amazing! I babysit seven of those days, so that goes fast, we have plans just about every evening! I'm having a yard sale this weekend, to "make room for baby"!! Actually, just want to get rid of some clutter before Toby comes exploring!! Also, would be nice for some extra cash for vacation for Nate and the kids! I've been packing their clothes, because I honestly have no idea when I will have time between now and Wednesday, and they leave Friday.

Every  night, I dream of the moment I see my little guy! Will he be crying? Will he recognize us? Will he warm up quickly? Will we get a smile? Will he cry the whole way home? Will he scream all night long? Will he sleep peacefully in my arms? So many things could happen, and we just need to wait and see. 

I was also thinking about how we have been preparing for him for 2 years! The kids have been excited, we have been excited, our hearts have been in love with him since before we knew who he was. But he has no idea about us. Other than maybe some photos, he doens't have a clue even to this day what is about to happen! Pray for Toby!

God is Good! 

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 8:08 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 July 2007 8:55 AM EDT
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