Quotes from Junior Year
It's only been a few weeks into the new year, and we've already
had entries into the quote book. I'll try to keep it updated with all the
newest stupid things we've said this year! Enjoy!
"25, 35, 45, 55, 65.. One snack." - Tara counting
her change for the vending machine
"Leggo my Butterfinger" - Tara
"What?"- Danae
"You know. Like Bart Simpson says." - Tara
"Isn't it 'Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger'
and 'Leggo my Ego'?"- Danae
"You know, I love it at night. It's nice and quiet
with nobody outside." - Erica
"Except for us talking really loudly." - Danae
"Well if you would just shut up for a minute..."
- Erica
"Oh! It's Dragonball Z!" - Danae
"Yeah I pointed that out last night." - Erica
"You did?" - Danae
"Yeah and you just said somethin dumb." - Erica
"It's not like I said 'Get off my rhododendrons'"
- Erica
"You don't have rhododendrons" - Danae
"I know. That's why I didn't say it." - Erica
"I just saw a squirrel with the biggest nuts!" - Katlin
"Speaking of butts..." - Erica's Mom
"I have a mediocore knowledge of most sports. Except
cricket." - Erica
"Do you want my flower?" - Danae, asking Erica's little brother (And I meant
the icing
flower on top of my piece of cake..)
"I bit this girl's arm off once." - Erica
"The higher you drop the cat from the better chance it has at winning. So if you push it off the counter it might be an even match." - Erica's logic on the age old question of which way it lands when you drop a cat with a piece of buttered toast strapped to its back.
"All I have is sausage and a cheese ball cause Aretha Franklin ate my snacks." - Erica
"What does a ghetto horse say? Da-neigh!" - Betsy
Another example of Erica's infinite wisdom:
Question: "A father and his two sons are stranded on an island. They have one boat that only holds 200 pounds. The father weighs 200 pounds and each of the sons weighs 100 pounds. How do all three get off the island?"
Erica's answer: "SWIM!"
"Thats like my age divided by grades ago times 3" - Erica's horrible math equation to figure out when she committed her last random act of meanness.
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