All paint were Testors Acryl: Standard Luftwaffe desert schema
The colors were Sand Gelb RLM79/ Mottled Black Green RLM70. Underside, Lichtblau RLM76, Schawarzgaru RLM 66
interior, and landing gear Grau RLM02.
Model master sealer after decals, Dull Coat and Exhaust Weathering.

JUNKERS JU 88A-4, 2./LG1, Italy, 1943

Development of the Junkers Ju BB began in 1935 when requirements were issued for a Schnei/bomber, a medium sized bomber that could use its speed as part of its defense against enemy fighters. These requirements specified a three-seat aircraft with a maximum speed of 310 miles-per-hour and a bomb load up to 1,765 pounds. Although several German aircraft companies sublimed proposals the Junkers Ju 88 was selected tor production, anrl work on three prototypes began in 1936. The first of these made its initial flight on December 21, 1936. The first production version was the Ju 88A and many sub- variants of this version were manufactured. The first of these included the basic Ju 88A-1 bomber, the Ju 88A-2, which had more powerful engines and The capability to usc rocket assisted take packs, and the Ju 88A-3 trainer. The Ju 88A-4, which this ProModeler kit represents, was an improved bomber version with upgraded Jumo 211J-1 or J-2 engines and an increased wing area. It could carry a bomb load in excess of 4.000 pounds in its bomb bay and under its wings. Development of the Ju 88A series continued through the Ju 8BA-17 anti-shipping aircraft. The airframe of the Ju 88 was so versatile that it was modified for many additional roles as the war progressed. The next major production version was the Ju BBC. and both Zerstorer Heavy fighter and night fighter variants of the Ju 88C series were pro- duced. Later, Ju BBG and Ju 88R night fighters were also Produced Far the reconnaissance role. the Ju 88D was developed, as was the long range recon variant known as the Ju 88H. The Ju 88S bomber versions were lighter airframes with BMW 801D radial engines replacing the Jumo powerplants of the earlier variants. A reconnaissance version of the Ju 88S was designated the Ju 88T. Other versions were produced in smaller numbers, and these included the Ju 88P series which had large anti-tank guns. An interesting use of the Ju 88 was the Mistel program of flying bombs. In this project, the Ju 88 became a large, unmanned flying bomb packed with explosives and a shaped warhead that could penetrate almost any hardened target. It was controlled by an Fw 190 or a Bf l09 fighter which was attached to a framework on top of it. For most of the flight, the fighter and Ju 88 flew as a single unit, but as the pilot of the fighter neared the target, he separated from the Ju 88. As the fighter turned for home, the Ju 88 continued into the target with its load of explosives. Although it was originally designed as a fast medium bomber, the Ju 88 was an excellent example of how the Luftwaffe modified its aircraft designs of World War II to perform a wide variety of missions. From the Battle of Britain until the final days of the war, Ju 88s operated on every front and remained one of the major weapons of the German air force. Your ProModeler kit comes with markings for four different Ju 88A-4 bombers. These include 3./KG 54 and 2./LG1 which operated in Italy in 1943, STAB III./KG3 Blitz Geschwader, and 9./KG 51 Edelweiss Geschwader which was assigned to the Russian front.