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If you are a first time telephone client  
ordering 30 minutes or longer 
you are eligible to receive a 

[There is a $5.00 processing fee that is not returned]


No strings...just guidelines. 
You must be a first time telephone client
This is for the first time client. If Vicki is able to "connect" with you correctly the first time, she will be able to connect with you in the future. To read the reasons Vicki may be unable to connect with you click here
Must be a telephone reading
The money back / stop the reading offer is limited to telephone readings due to the fact that Vicki can end your session losing only 10-15 minutes of her time.  If you have scheduled the  in person reading with Vickiveil, her schedule will involve 60-70 minutes set aside to to spend with you that cannot be recovered or spent on other activities. In person readings also occupy a space at her office which she shares with other business women. Vicki pays a rental fee for this space. The rental fee is paid from your fee. Whether the reading is paid for or not, Vicki is still expected to pay the rental fee. She is unable to offer a money back offer when she provides the in person reading. You may want to read more about the In Person Reading by clicking here.  Email readings do not offer the refund option. When you order the email reading, your full reading will be sent to you once payment has been received and Vicki's time has been placed into the email reading. The time spent on your email reading can not be restored. 
Medium Sessions & Email Readings are not included  
Medium sessions is a total focus on loved ones and friends who have deceased. The medium sessions allow the option for your reading to be PRORATED if you feel you are not comfortable or Vicki is not accurately connecting with you. To read more on the PRORATED readings you may click here. Again, Email Readings are already complete when you receive the email read, Vicki has spent anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour of time on your purchase. If you are skeptical about Vicki's authenticity take time to read more by clicking here. 
Good only on 30 minute sessions or longer
In order for Vicki to have adequate time to connect with you and provide several comments/confirmations on you, your life, your past and present to verify she is correct in her connection to you it is necessary to have 30 minutes or longer of time. The allotted time period of 15 minutes  is so brief that it only leaves time enough to answer your specific concerns or questions. Again, we suggest if you are skeptical about psychics, psychic readings or Vicki's authenticity take time to read more by clicking here. 



Over the years of providing psychic readings I have found that there are certain individuals, certain situations and certain times, where I am not able to connect in a psychic manner. I will sit down for the reading and as I attempt to "tune into" my client, I get absolutely nothing. When this happens, I don't feel comfortable in providing suggestion or council. When the blankness occurs, I find it unethical for me to charge for the reading. I don't want to sit there and provide a bunch of yah yah that is untrue just to fill up the time. I pride myself on my repeat clientele and my reputation in the field of psychic work. 

On the same hand, I also have come to realize not everyone is going to walk away from my readings thrilled and overjoyed.  No one person can make everyone happy. But I do my best do my best. 

Very often I have people that applaud the fact that I even offer the refund option. Where the refund option is a rarity for most businesses and services it is very rare for psychic readers...and I continue to be personally proud to offer it, however in all honesty, returning the fee is not only beneficial or  honorable or the clientele. I do it for personal reasons and beliefs as well. 

The refund is offered with a 50/50 logic behind it. 
(50/50 as in the yin and in the harmony of balance) 

One Half  of the reason I offer refund option is beneficial and appealing to the clientele. There is so much debate where psychic insight is concerned. Are they real? Aren't they shysters preying on your hard earned money? Controversy - Controversy.  And even I believe there should be caution as you seek psychic guidance. 

Psychic ability is real. 

But not everyone who claims to be psychic is legitimate. And then you have the readers who are real...but not always operating from the proper place...Personally "I" think intuitive guidance when provided in the right manner and hand in hand with other measures of spiritual, physical, & emotional restoration can be extremely valuable & healing.

Hopefully this money back option will help that one person who is a healthy skeptic take a chance on a psychic reading and find that it benefits them. This is a portion that benefits the person seeking the psychic guidance. 

The counterbalance is provided with myself in mind. There are  several different reasons I offer the money back and they are for my personal reasons and beliefs

I feel as though if I cannot connect with my client in those first several minutes, providing them with information I should NOT know....I am not comfortable that my insight for their future will be accurate or apply to their situations. And in most every session I do, there comes a statement that even the most agreeable of person will challenge. The only confidence I can carry with me is the fact that I have already disclosed a high correctness in that initial time period. 

I am also sensible enough to know there are topics, circumstances and situations that I am not skilled to handle. There are matters that no matter how hard I try, my mind-set will not allow me to address in a manner of non judgment. And that cannot happen when I am providing a reading. It is unethical. When my guides do not allow me to see, hear or feel the client sitting with me for the moment, I trust that they sense something that is out of my ballpark.   

I also believe in Karmic Law. By refunding the fees, charging only the money I pay out each time we schedule a session (the $5.00 unreturned processing fee)  and ending the reading, releases my part from any form of "Karmic Debt" I would owe this person. Karmic Law states that for any exchange of energy there must be an even and equal exchange. 

More on Why Would Vicki NOT connect with me   Click Here
Ideas, thoughts of Karmic Law  Click Here


Actually there have been times I could tell that I would not connect with a person as I schedule their session, when I viewed their name on my daily agenda, or when speaking with them for the first few minutes. But on the same hand...There have been times when I "sensed" that I would not have a connection but then the reading turns out to be awesome. So I will normally follow the procedures below just to make sure. 

During the first 5 to 7 minutes [approximately] of your telephone session, I will attempt to provide statements that apply to you and to your situations. 

Most often during this time I will provide statements such as: 
you are single * you are in your 3rd marriage * you have had 3 children * you are one of 5 siblings * you work from home * you are a business owner * your car is blue * there is work going on in your backyard * you have 1 dog 3 cats * there is a sibling closely connected to New York / Florida / the military

I may sense that you work in a yellow building, on the 3rd floor and have only been in the working position for only 6 to 7 months. There is really not a set guideline of what she will state or how many observations will be discussed. I will explain that I  never knows what will come thru and what will not come thru. What is guaranteed is that I will not become "invasive" during this time. I will NOT psychic-ally look for facts of devastation to upset you nor would I ever  provide destructive comments against your character. During this time period it is NOT my goal to dig up information that will embarrass or insult you. I just need to supply descriptions that are general - but specific for you. This means I am not going to say "You have a car!" ~ "You have eyes!" ~ "Wow you work" ~ I don't do "I see darkness and sadness around you and it is connected to the J name!" 

During this time I will ask that you  reply with only with a yes, a no, you do understand or you do not understand as I move thru the comments. I do need to know if I am correct so I ask for the confirmations only. 

Once I begin to  feel that I am accurately connected (as mentioned this changes from person to person)  I will stop and ask if you would like to continue with your reading. Your responsibility is to make sure I  have provided information specifically for you - information that I should not know radiating  in the vicinity of 80% accuracy. 


After Vicki stops to ask if you would like to continue, if you choose to do so, she will then go to your specific questions and selected topics. Vicki will not read without focused areas of interest. This rule of thumb actually protects you and allows you to have control of your reading. Vicki feels that you should have the overall decision of what area's of your life will be discussed.

Some people  prefer to have the psychic ramble on and on as they feel this is an overall assurance of a psychics authenticity. The customer simply wants to see what the psychic has to say in order to test their psychic. Even after the initial "test the psychic" time period that Vicki provides in the beginning of your reading, you can rest assured that Vicki will confirm and reconfirm her authenticity by delivering a physical or emotional description of the people you will ask about, career questions, and other topics.  She may bring up the  name of someone you work nearby when discussing your career. Or provide a description of a home you want to buy. The confirmations will be there. However Vicki feels it vital that you point her in the direction of the portion of your life you would like to discuss. 

You can read Vicki's explanation on Specific Topics & Questions by Clicking Here



Your money is refunded minus the $5.00 processing fee that is not returned. The refund may take up to 30 days to appear as a credit from our office on your method of payment. Your fee will be returned to the same payment method you used to pay for your appointment.

In certain circumstances, you may have the option to reschedule your session and try again. This option is left up to your and Vicki's discretion. If you should decide to give the reading another attempt, and Vicki is still unable to connect with you on the second time, you still receive the money back offer minus only the $5.00 processing fee. 

Vicki does retain the right to decline a reschedule. 

You are not required to reschedule. 

There are several various reasons why a reschedule may be beneficial or necessary. 
There are also many different reasons why Vicki may not be able to read for you. 
You can read more about the reasons by clicking here.


You may prepay for a 30 minute telephone reading without audio tape
 thru Paypal (total cost $70) now by clicking on the
BUY NOW button below

Once you have paid thru PAYPAL they will send us notification of your payment. 
We then
send you an email to let you know we have received your payment
with details on how to schedule your appointment and how to receive the best reading possible.
Keep in mind, our office is small and it may take up to 48 hours for our appointment coordinator to contact you. 
Be sure to check your spam folder for our email
as often it will grab our confirmation email. 

You may also feel free to phone the office immediately after
you have posted your payment to Paypal. Please have the email name
you have used to post your payment thru Paypal. 





ONLY A VEIL DIVIDES © 1997-2005  is a series of interactive Services - Products - Lectures  spiritually designed to Enhance - Empower - Inspire