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Deeper into the Abyss

Ah so you desire to know a little more about me huh? Alrighty...where to start? Well my name is Ryan and I'm currently 20 and I live in good old Pickerington, ohio. Let's see major interests include psychology and music hence the S/N. I'm currently attending Ohio University and majoring in social working. I also play guitar. I have an Ibanez DTX120 it's my baby and I have a Carlo Robelli acoustic/electric sucks...but hey it was free with the amp so no complaints here. My amp is a Peavy Special 212 and sounds great. I like to play mainly thrash metal, blues, and acoustic stuff. I also write all my own lyrics and music. And as of August 21, 2004, I am getting married to the most beautiful girl to ever walk the heavens and earth, my girl Christinia Marie Pyle. She is the love of my life. So yeah that's a little bit about my site. later.