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Family and Friends

Ok, well this is my lil neice, Alyssa Dawn. She is 5 yrs old and graduated from kindergarden, congrads alyssa! We are soo proud of you. She can be a lil bratty at times but what kids aint? Be good and stay out of trouble. lol =)
This is my baby girl Isabelle, she will be 2 years old in November. I can't believe how big and chubby shes getting, they grow up soo fast. I love you baby!
Wow, Jess. Now this can take some time. lol Jessica and I have been best friends since the first yr of 9th grade. lol haha We made school fun, we were always in school together till she droped out, u crazy nut! We have been through a lot together, and I mean a lot! We used to be glued to the hip, but then we just stopped bein friends after some stuff was said and some things happend. Even though we say sometimes that we are never gonna be friends again, we find ourselves missing each other a lot. We have soo much history together. It's hard not bein' friends like we used to. Ok jess, I know I dont say this enuf to you but I really do love you like a sister, I will and I always will be here for you no matter what, and anytime u want me to watch lil Trent of course I will. lol But he better not whine. hehe =) I just want to let u know that I am happy we are still friends, and I hope we continue for a really long time!
Trent- Ohh my lil boy! Wow, he's over a yr old now. I remember when he was just a little baby. Trent is Jessica's baby, as u know from what I said in her lil profile. lol Although he whines a lot like his mother, lol, he's a good kid. I love you trent!
Kayla- My big neice. That's Alyssa's big sister. Girl, you got a mouth on u sometimes. You better be careful with that. lol But I'm glad that ur going onto the 6th grade. You made it girlie! Kayla, u are soo smart, you just got to believe in yourself more. Trust me, I know what im talking about here. I went, and I'm still going through the same stuff as you are right now, and I'm 21. So it's ok no matter what anyone says to you, ok? And I know you're trying out for basketball. I know you can do it girl. Good luck! I love you~ kay kay
Steph- Hey girl, what's up! Well ur makin it through hs, only one yr left. Hold on girl, u can do it. I know McKinley sucks, but hey, u only got one yr left. lol I know I dont tell u this as much as I should, I really do believe in you a lot and I know that u can make it in everything that u do. I am behind you 100 percent. Congrads on going onto college too afterwards, although gettin a job sucks! I'm sure u know that. You like to be lazy like me, Em, and Jess. hehe I love you Steph, and I want u to be able to come to me 'bout anything, espeically boys. That's my specialty u know. lol Ohh ya, this is my baby sister. She will be 16 July 4th. Happy bday Steph!
Ok, Suey! Well, first I'll tell ya who she is. This is my cousin Susan she is now, I do believe, 3 months pregnant, and we are all sooo happy for her. I can't wait 'til the baby is born. Girl, we gotta go baby shopping together! I know that ur going to be a great mother. The baby will be soo happy to have a wounderful mother like you. And ur gonna still keep the boys name, Riley, like I kinda picked out =) Right? Well, congrads girl, and I love you! Can't wait to see the baby. Ohh, and like my lil doll of u? It's cute aint it?
Tess and I have been friends for 6 years, and even in that short time have been through more stuff than most friends. Yet, somehow you managed to tolerate me. I know we've seem to hit kinda a down time in our friendship now, but I miss hanging out with u and just coming to your house, chilling, or u comin to my house to chill. And even though I know u are busy with work and school, I hope we can hang out soon and talk a little bit, cuz I know we have some talkin to do! lol I'm really happy for you Tess, you look great now and ur with a guy that makes u really happy. It's nice to see u this happy cuz i dont think I have ever seen u happy like this before. I hope everything works out for you and Chris! Good luck in all u do Tess!
Tiff - This is my other younger sister. She will be 17 July 6th. Omg girl, I cant believe u graduated high school already! Wow~ I'm soo proud of you girl, we all are! You did it girl, and now ur going off to college. Congradulations girl! I can't express how much I'm proud of you. Well anyways, I just wanted to tell you that while we lived in ky, u know that we have been through some crap together, but we always stuck by one another every step of the way! I love you soo much Tiff, and I want u to know that I'm always here for you no matter what, even if it's just to talk about Ross. But I'm sure everything will work out for you. It always does girl. If it's meant to be, it will work out. I know I don't tell u this stuff enough, but girl u know that I love and care for you a lot, and I'll always be here for u. I'm so proud of you Tiff, and I know u will do just great in college too. Keep it up, I love ya!
Ok well, this is my best friend Emily! =) hmm What to say about her? Me and Emily has been through a lot together. At first I can remember she really didn't want to be my friend. Ya u meany. lol (*Note from Emily: Yes I did u liar!*) But after a little bit she came around. =) Me and Emily have been through a lot of shit together, for real! We had some ups and downs just like anyone does. But through everything that Emily and I have been through, we have always stuck by each other's sides through thick and thin. And I know that u get tired of hearing about my boy problems! So I'll try my best to, umm, keep that short sometimes. :D But I would have to say that I am really proud of her. She has come a long way and is doing great things in her life right now! She is really a great friend, a wonderful person. Shy as shit, eats like a pig, and the most lazy person in the world, lol, but she's a really special person to me. I consider her as my sister, and not just my best friend. I love you and care for you a lot. And I want u to know even though I'm not the best friend in the world, ur a great one, and I try to be. lol But I will always be here for you no matter what, and I want u to be able to come and talk to me. And dont be scared or embarrassed to, cuz I want to help u every way that I can. I will always be here for you, and thanks for bein' such a great friend, even though I know I can be a pain in the ass a lot! So can u though. So hey, we're even. lol hehe
Oh, and Emily's also the terrific person who helped build this site. She's just the coolest!