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Ok well as u can see in the pic sorry i dont have a real one yet of her because our scanner is a piece of crap lol but this is my cousin susan she is 3 months pregnant now so we are all really really happy for her shes been wanting to have a baby soo we all wish u the best of luck susan! My baby well second youngest sister tiffany graduated on the 4th shes 16 and she graduated with a 4.0!! so im soo proud of u tiff we all are love you tiffany! =) i got a few graduation shout outs i gotta do hehe ok my lil neice alyssa graduated from kidergarden shes soo cute so that was good. My boyfriend burak graduated from college at osu on the 13th is going too so im really happy that hes graduating so now we can spend more time together lol hehe =) im proud of him too ok well i dont think i really have any more latest news to give lol my life is kinda boring sometimes so bare with me hehe. =)