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Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days.....Deuteronomy 5:33.


As I came upon this verse one day, I felt puzzed about how obeying the Lord's commands could prolong our days. I began to think about all that is said today about stress being a killer. I know, personally, that stress can cause us physical pain. The opposite of stress is peace of mind. I have found that true peace of mind is found only in a trust relationship with Jesus Christ. By that I mean the kind of relationship with Him that completely trusts Him for everything. That is how the lack of stress would prolong our lives.

Peace of mind where are you? I need you in my life. Only Jesus frees me from the stress and strife.

Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18


Alongside this verse in my Bible, I have written, "I want to be a peacemaker!" The dictionary says that peace is a state of rest or calm, freedom from disorder. I say it is an absolute necessity in my life. I have wonderful peace with my Savior but I have a deep need to be at peace with everyone else. This is not an easy task. Relationships are fragile. They can easily be tarnished or broken. Some of the deepest pain I have ever known was in a broken relationship. I wonder what the answer is to this, since we all go through this sort of thing once in awhile. Jesus prayed that we may all be one in Him. I suspect this is where peace is possible. As we grow as individuals to become more like Christ, we will be at peace with one another.

Perfect peace surround me, make me pure within. Cleanse and make me whole, free me from my sin.

Walk in His ways, and keep His decrees and commands, His laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go. I Kings 2:3.


I wonder sometimes why it seems so hard to "walk in His ways". I have learned over the years that I am happier, more content and have great peace within when I am in His will for me. I can learn His will by reading His Word. But the self in me often rears it's ugly head and I want my own way and soon I am unhappy. I can always tell when I have had my own way. I am miserable inside and my contentment is gone. I prosper in peace when I go His way in all circumstances. I really do.

Giving in to Jesus today and everyday... I am happy and blest, no matter what comes my way.

"And in this place I will grant peace", declares the Lord Almighty." Haggai 2:9.


At times it seems a storm rages within and without. It becomes a very real battle to accomplish anything. Do you have storms to contend with too? I am reminded of when Jesus stilled the storm. His word tells us, "He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm." (Luke 8:24) Our verse for today says that He grants peace. The word grant means to give or confer, especially in response to a request. Isn't He wonderful? I need His peace today and everyday and He speaks to my heart. He tells the storms of stress to be still. I am grateful.

When the storm rages there's no peace of mind but with Jesus my Master a calmness I find.

Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in Thee. Isaiah 26:3.


I am reminded of yet another passage on peace. I used the King James version because this is the way I have tucked it away in my memory. Once I have peace with God the way I keep it is by trusting Him. He will keep me in perfect peace. It is my job to keep my mind on Him and trust Him. This may sound like a big job but it isn't. I just need to acknowledge His presence with me in my times of joy or sadness, victories or defeats. He is with me. I can trust Him and He will give me the peace that we all long for.

Keeping my mind on Jesus....morning, night and noon helps me trust Him as I go, singing a happy tune.

Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 6:13.


Jesus is the great Encourager. He knows the stress I live with, the daily burdens I bear, the hurts, the pain. He knows and He cares. He drops little bits of joy into each day, if I allow Him to. These ease my troubled mind and He shows His love in many ways. His Word tells me that He is with me. He hears my feeble cries for help and He meets me right at the point of my deepest need. According to our verse for today, He says, "In Me you may have peace." He is Jesus.....Immanuel.....God with us. He is the truly the great Encourager.

The peace of mind I often need I find in just one place, I turn my heart to Jesus and gaze into His face.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


This is a verse in Psalm 46 that encourages me. The "know that I am God" is emphatic and majestic. If I will take but a minute and in the stillness and quietness of my heart think about Who He is, I find it much easier to reach that state of rest and calm that I long for. In the hustle and bustle of the world the hours fly by. It takes a very real effort to become still before my God. I find it is worth the effort to do this each day. I think about our all powerful, all knowing, loving God, Who is beyond my understanding. I think about how much He loves us. I am blessed with a peace that passes understanding.

Come into His Presence til your heart be still. Bow in adoration as you seek His will.