2002 pics. cont.

Happy Halloween(Oct. 31, 2002)

I didnt make it out yesterday as planned..but, Went out today for 3 hrs. on a small stream that ive always done very well on. Ended the day with 11 smallies with a nice 17.5 - 18" smallie as my best fish of the trip. As you can see by the coveralls im wearing..the weathers turning colder..going to be HIGH'S in the low 40's in a few days..brrrrr...come on Indian summer!

the HOOK

Heres Duane on 1/2/02. As you can tell from this picture..the "reverse mullet" is no longer..WOW what a big change.....im still in shock! Well also you can see from this picture...it was a tough day because of all the fallin leaves in this spot..but a very nice smallmouth for your troubles Duane. Theres a really great story that goes along with this fish...i'll have Duane tell it and i'll copy and paste it to here later.

the Hookster again.

This is the same day(11/2/02) Duane jumped spots to get away from all the fallin leaves..great smallie Hook, looks like its COLD out there..huh?